‘Survivor’ Power Rankings Round 6 – Jeweler Needs Necklace Edition


"Survivor: Worlds Apart" (CBS)

Quick Note: We’re going to be bringing you all kinds of “Survivor” fun this season including episode recaps, exit interviews, and Power Rankings with Josh Canfield and Reed Kelly. Be sure to follow me on Twitter (@gordonholmes) for up-to-the-minute news and info.

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The Rules: Each week our three combatants will create separate power rankings. The ranking of the person who is voted out of the next episode will determine the number of points the three players will earn. For example, if Carolyn is voted out this week, Josh and Reed will each receive one point and Gordon will receive two points. At the end of the season, the person with the most points will be named the “Survivor: Worlds Apart” Power Rankings Challenge Champion.

Last Week: The Power Rankers were way off. Josh had Kelly in spot four, Reed had her in spot three, and Gordon had her in spot two. The current score is Team Josh 51, Team Reed 55, and Team Gordon 55.

Watch Full Episodes of “Survivor: Worlds Apart”


Josh’s Score = 51

Any questions for Josh? Drop him a line on Twitter: @joshuacanfield

Reed’s Score = 55

Any questions for Reed? Drop him a line on Twitter: @thereedkelly

Gordon’s Score = 55

Any questions for Gordon? Drop him a line on Twitter: @gordonholmes

 1. Carolyn: She and Tyler decided on Blue instead of No.  As much as I would have preferred them teaming up with the No Collars, because I find them more like-able, I think she made the right decision, as the Blue Collars are bound to implode. #queen   1. Carolyn: Glad for her that she sees the importance of keeping the appearance of social distance from Tyler.  She seems to have a really good handle on the game right now; I hope she can maintain that clarity while keeping Tyler loyal.
 1. Sierra: Nothing would surprise me this week. With another idol floating out there and Jenn knowing just how to play them, anything could happen. So, I’m putting Sierra this high because she seems like the least threatening person on the alliance that has numbers.
  2. Sierra: She is nestled in the dominant alliance nicely.  I would have a hard time seeing her go anytime soon. #positionpositionposition
 2. Tyler: I think both Tyler and Carolyn have a clear grasp on how scary it is to be seen as a power pairing in their season of oust-the-duos.  They need to keep theirs really covert to make the most out of it.
 2. Carolyn: Yeah, Carolyler (Tylerolyn?) backed the wrong side last week. But, they’re gonna be alright because their side still has numbers. And if anything, it’s better them to have one less alliance member to worry about.
  3. Will: I really want to know why it was so easy for Will to swap and go with Rodney.  Maybe because Rod was the first person to ever approach him about being in the finals.  Well, he chose right apparently because he voted with the numbers. #swithcheroo   3. Shirin: What she has going for her is that there appear to be bigger threats to take out.  If she can keep the abrasive behavior to a minimum, she may be able to continue deeper into this game.  She needs to not over-play strategy right now.
 3. Tyler: How can anyone be psyched to work with Tyler? The dude is cold blooded. I’d be worried that he’d be ready to jump to anyone who offers him a better deal. He’s fine for now though, what with the Nos and the Blues butting heads.
  4. Dan: Dan is still here.  He’s in the numbers.  He has major shields in his alliance.  He is not a challenge threat.  He’ll most likely be safe. #stillhere
  4. Sierra: Appears to have (smartly) stuck with the Blue Collar collective for now.  Would like to see her to start subtly branching out and strengthening new relationships to help propel her forward when her alliance crumbles under pressure.
 4. Will:  Yeah, it seems like you got the fuzzy end of the lollipop last week. But, it’ll probably swing in your favor. At least the dominant alliance now thinks you can be trusted.
 5. Tyler: What is he doing?  Staying quiet.  What has he done? Smartly kept himself in the background to continue in this game.  I want to see him do something that will push me to root for him. #sly
 5. Will: Proved his loyalty to his alliance by voting for Hali, but will that make him feel disenfranchised enough to try to look for new numbers?  I doubt it.  He’s being kept around because there are bigger fish to fry and currently has the makings of a goat.  5. Shirin: If my teeny alliance just pulled a fast one on the big alliance, I would not be tossing high fives around. I’d give myself a little golf clap, quietly…in the back…while whistling…and wearing sunglasses.
 6. Shirin: On the wrong side of the numbers again, but why?  Couldn’t she have voted with the Blues and Whites? With all the craziness that is sure to ensue, she may find herself a much needed vote for someone. #wrongside
 6. Dan: Rough, gruff Dan.  He’s another one that kind of just needs to not be too outwardly bothersome to others.  This will keep the focus off him and let him ride the numbers a bit.
 6. Dan: Dan is in a good spot safety-wise, but what is his legacy so far? Wacky misadventures in the water? Mike’s right-hand man? (Right-hand Dan?) It seems like he’s playing for third place right now.
 7. Hali: She better be thankful that Jenn is a bigger threat, or it wouldn’t have been her taking the walk of shame at the tribal treehouse.  She’s on the weak side, but she isn’t a big target…yet. #stayquiet
 7. Hali: Sits behind the bigger threat Jenn at the moment, she needs to very subtly play into the perception that Jenn is more dangerous than her.  I’d like her to stay approachable and open to opportunity in order to have true longevity in the second half of this game.
 7. Rodney: I originally had Rodney much lower in the rankings, but now that I think about it; why get rid of Rodney? The Blues need his vote and he isn’t the biggest threat to the Nos. And, if I’m in this game, he’s my dream person to take to the end.
  8. Mike: He seems to be the head of the dominant alliance. He needs to watch out for Rodney.  He needs to take a backseat so that his own alliance doesn’t turn on him for being too much of a finals threat. #strongside
 8. Mike: He’s doing his best to wrangle all these folks who don’t really like one another (which ends up monopolizing most of your time spend on the island).  It’s a tenuous and time-consuming task keeping this type of alliance together.  It always feels like it’s built on sand.  8. Hali: I don’t think Hali is some big threat, but I could see a situation where Joe wins immunity and they’re afraid to target Jenn again.
 9. Rodney: I have to give him credit for really trying to play this game, but I don’t think he realizes how big of a target is on his back. I think he has already ruined his chance of winning.  Who will vote for him at FTC if he makes it? #noone
 9. Jenn: Played her idol perfectly and it was so fun to watch.  Hoping she doesn’t go back to camp and act too smugly about it.  If she plays her cards right, the majority alliance may focus on taking out someone else before her.  9. Mike: Merica? Seriously, Mike? Aww…I can’t stay mad at you. You’re a fun guy who is proving to be a savvy game player. You’re the first one to talk to somebody and reel them in after you’ve stabbed them in the back. But, that’s got to put a big target on your back.
 10. Jenn: A perfect idol play.  I love to see an idol used well! She knew there was trouble brewin’ and she did something about it.  She wounded the strong numbers, but with no idol now, is she their main target? #idolintuition
  10. Rodney: I admire the fact that he’s trying to take the game into his own hands.  I just am not sure he’s socially capable enough to pull it off; all of this may all turn on him quickly.  Extra credit: every time he says he’s like Tom Brady, take a shot.
 10. Jenn:  People might have thought you were dangerous before last week’s Tribal. Well, now they know you’re dangerous. Unfortunately, you’re still way down in the numbers. If Joe loses immunity, your number could be up.
  11. Joe: So happy my pre-season pick won the first individual immunity.  He knew he needed it, and he dominated.  He is still the biggest target in the tribe.  Can he find a way to get out from the bottom?  I hope so. #winnerthreat  11. Joe: So happy for him that he won that individual immunity, it’s such a badass moment.  Unfortunately, when your tribe is calling you a challenge beast, it also strengthens their resolve that you need to go home if you don’t win again.  (Been there.)
 11. Joe: He can solve puzzles, he can paint, he can grasp poles…but can he find hidden immunity idols? If the immunity challenge is something the Blue Collars excel at…like disc golf…he could be in big trouble.

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