Archive for August, 2017

Meet the Cast of ‘Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers’

August 30, 2017

‘Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers’ (CBS)

QUICK NOTE: is the place to be for all of your bug-eatin’, back-stabbin’, “Survivor” coverage. During the season we’ll have insightful weekly Power Rankings, exit interviews, and full episode recaps.  So, be sure to follow me on Twitter (@gordonholmes) for up-to-the-minute updates.

The cast for the 35th season of the legendary reality show “Survivor” was revealed by CBS on Wednesday afternoon. This collection of 18 all-new players will be divided into three tribes that each exemplify a specific trait; either heroic deeds, healing talents, or a hustling spirit.

Name: Alan Ball
Age: 31
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan
Occupation:  NFL Player
Personal Claim to Fame:  Being a 7th round draft pick and grinding for 9 years in the NFL.
Three Words to Describe You:  Intelligent, athletic and clever.
If You Could Have Three Things on the Island What Would They Be? Hot sauce because it makes everything better, a picture of my wife because sometimes just looking at her changes my mood and baby wipes!
Name: Ashley Nolan
Age: 26
Hometown: Satellite Beach, Florida
Occupation:  Lifeguard
Personal Claim to Fame: Just about as well rounded as any woman could be. I’ll be just one of the guys – out saving lives, working out and cracking jokes all day and then all of the sudden I can put myself together into a well-spoken lady who can charm your socks off and still kick butt.
Three Words to Describe You:  Impressive, tough and hilarious.
If You Could Have Three Things on the Island What Would They Be? A surfboard to keep me sane, headphones to tune out other people’s complaining and a journal to secretly document everything and tactically plan how to use it against others.
Name: Ben Driebergen
Age: 34
Hometown: Boise, Idaho
Occupation:  Marine
Personal Claim to Fame:  Being a good dad and husband.
Three Words to Describe You:  Hilarious, strong willed and motivated.
If You Could Have Three Things on the Island What Would They Be? My cowboy hat, my boots and my running shoes.
Name: Chrissy Hofbeck
Age: 46
Hometown: Glen Gardner, New Jersey
Occupation:  Financial Analyst
Personal Claim to Fame:  At Penn graduation I carried the Penn flag and led the entire graduating class to the ceremony. I walked alongside Hillary Clinton.
Three Words to Describe You: Mushy, happy and efficient.
If You Could Have Three Things on the Island What Would They Be? A photo of my kids since they’d get me through the sheer difficult-ness, a blanket because I hate to be cold, and a bottle of vodka because it’s good for making friends, can trade and have fun!
Name: John “JP” Hilsabeck
Age: 28
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Occupation: Firefighter
Personal Claim to Fame: Being hired as a firefighter and having a good group of friends that I can count on.
Three Words to Describe You: Outgoing, adventurous and romantic.
If You Could Have 3 Things on the Island What Would They Be?  My dog Thor because he’s my best friend, a go pro for the adventure photos and a picture of my family and friends to keep me inspired because I wouldn’t be where I am today without them.
Name: Katrina Radke
Age: 46
Hometown: Morris, Minnesota
Occupation: Olympian 
Personal Claim to Fame: Being a mother.
Three Words to Describe You: Adventurous, tenacious and charismatic.
If You Could Have 3 Things on the Island What Would They Be? 
A journal so I could write, music to dance, sing and have fun, and a picture and a letter from my family to feel amazingly loved, as I also send them love daily.

Name: Cole Medders
Age: 24
Hometown: Little Rock, Arkansas
Occupation: Wilderness Therapy Guide
Personal Claim to Fame:  I have climbed the two tallest peaks in the western hemisphere – Denali and Aconcagua.
Three Words to Describe You:  Unreserved, dauntless and flirtatious.
If You Could Have Three Things on the Island What Would They Be? Weights to work out every day, a giant box of Legos for endless possibilities of fun and a beach volleyball set because I could destroy everyone at it.
Name: Desiree “Desi” Williams
Age: 27
Current Residence: Newport News, Virginia
Occupation: Physical Therapist
Personal Claim to Fame: I became an assistant professor at the age of 26 and a program director at the age of 27.  They don’t just hand out those titles to anyone.
Three Words to Describe You: Congenial, forthright and unremitting.
If You Could Have Three Things on the Island What Would They Be?  First would be Chapstick because there’s nothing sexy or seductive about cracked lips (arguably, this could be survival related since it would hinder my ability to seduce the opposite sex).  Second would be an unlimited supply of food because I’ve seen the show and those people get hangry quick!  Finally, a masseuse because I love being pampered.
Name: Jessica Johnston
Age: 29
Current Residence: Louisville, Kentucky
Occupation:  Nurse Practitioner
Personal Claim to Fame: Obtaining my doctorate in Nursing before the age of 28 and creating a health and wellness brand “Belovist.”
Three Words to Describe You: Tenacious, congenial and adventurous.
If You Could Have Three Things on the Island What Would They Be?  First it would be baby powder because it makes my hair do incredible things and brightens up the face. It’s like taking a powder bath!  Next would be a Swiss army knife so I can cut things like wood, food, and clothes.  Finally, a fishing pole because this girl likes to eat!
Name: Joe Mena
Age: 34
Current Residence: Tolland, Connecticut
Occupation: Probation Officer
Personal Claim to Fame: Obtaining my degree.  This is something I’m proud of because it has given me the opportunity to secure my career and that has given me the lifestyle where I have the ability to provide my children with their wants, needs and a lovely home that they can call their own.  Without my degree, I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish this.
Three Words to Describe You: Real, confident and energetic.
If You Could Have Three Things on the Island What Would They Be? Me, myself and a picture of my children.  I don’t think I would need anything but a picture of my children.  A picture would provide me with a tangible image of them instead of just a mental image.
Name: Mike Zahalsky
Age: 43
Hometown: Parkland, Florida
Occupation: Urologist
Inspiration in Life: My wife and my children inspire me to be a better version of myself every day.
Three Words to Describe You: Intelligent, enthusiastic and determined.
If You Could Have Three Things on the Island What Would They Be?  A photo of my kids because I love them, a deck of cards to play with and an extra pair of underwear.
Name: Roark Luskin
Age: 27
Current Residence: Santa Monica, California
Occupation: Social Worker
Personal Claim to Fame: I’ve had a photo taken of me every single day of my life.
Three Words to Describe You:  Sarcastic, focused and intelligent.
If You Could Have Three Things on the Island What Would They Be? Toilet paper, because duh, Kalteen bars, because butter isn’t a carb and moisturizer, because my skin has a tendency to get dry.

Name: Alexandrea “Ali” Elliott
Age: 24
Current Residence: Los Angeles, California
Occupation: Celebrity Assistant
Personal Claim to Fame: I would say my diploma.
Three Words to Describe You:  Vivacious, ambitious and smart.
If You Could Have Three Things on the Island What Would They Be? A mirror of course to see if I was looking good and I could possibly use the reflection to help make fire, my Bible since it would help keep me sane and tampons – they never bring up periods on “Survivor” but I do believe that would be an issue I wouldn’t want to deal with.
Name: Devon Pinto
Age: 23
Current Residence: Solana Beach, California
Occupation: Surf Instructor
Personal Claim to Fame: I am most proud of the man I have become today from being on my own since graduating high school, accomplishing the things I have, and living wild experiences.
Three Words to Describe You: Confident, optimistic and joyful.
If You Could Have Three Things on the Island What Would They Be? My guitar so I can serenade everyone, my surfboard so I can pass the time riding perfect untouched waves, and champagne to celebrate all the Immunity challenges I’m going to win for my tribe.
Name: Lauren Rimmer
Age: 35
Hometown: Beaufort, North Carolina
Occupation: Fisherman
Personal Claim to Fame: My daughter.  She is determined, smart and my driving force.
Three Words to Describe You: Outgoing, adventurous and easy-going.
If You Could Have Three Things on the Island What Would They Be?  First would be a picture of my daughter to have determination every day.  Next would be a toothbrush because I want clean teeth and finally, sunglasses, for comfort since I wear them every day.  I am in the sun all day and my eyes cannot take the constant exposure.
Name: Patrick Bolton
Age: 24
Current Residence: Auburn, Alabama
Occupation: Small Business Owner
Personal Claim to Fame: Sustaining our business, Bolt Movers, and my sanity even through its tough times. Starting and running a new business puts you through stressful situations, but my family and friends have always kept me going strong.
Three Words to Describe You:  Persistent, playful and thankful.
If You Could Have Three Things on the Island What Would They Be? Teriyaki Sauce. Everything tastes better with teriyaki sauce.  Next would be Takis (hot chili and lime flavor) because they are amazing and finally a pen and pad to document each play that made me Sole Survivor.
Name: Ryan Ulrich
Age: 23
Current Residence: North Arlington, New Jersey
Occupation: Bellhop
Personal Claim to Fame: I’ve worked a lot of jobs, but I am most proud of my internships with both houses of Congress, and the British Consulate. I also aspire to attend law school.
Three Words to Describe You: Witty, ambitious and approachable.
If You Could Have Three Things on the Island What Would They Be? First I would bring a sports visor which will block out the sun as well as allow the top of my head to get an Island breeze, a McDonald’s Shamrock Shake because they are seasonal so any opportunity I have to get one, I have to take, and a podium so I could give press conferences to pretend people care about what I have to say.
Name: Simone Nguyen
Age: 25
Current Residence: New York City, New York
Occupation: Diversity Advocate
Personal Claim to Fame:  I don’t really have one, but I’m proud of the fact that I earned full rides to Columbia, Harvard, and Tufts.
Three Words to Describe You: Expressive, loyal and ambitious.
If You Could Have Three Things on the Island What Would They Be? I would bring a journal, my red Vietnamese blanket and Chapstick.

Don’t miss the season premiere of “Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers,” Wednesday September 27, 2017 at 8 p.m. ET.

Any Questions? Drop me a line on Twitter: @gordonholmes