Archive for January, 2010

‘Survivor’s’ Jonny Fairplay Bashes ‘Heroes vs. Villains’ Selections

January 11, 2010

One well-placed fib about a deceased grandmother was all it took to rocket Jon “Jonny Fairplay” Dalton from “Survivor” contestant to arguably “Survivor’s” greatest villain of all time.

So, why wasn’t he included in “Heroes vs. Villains?”

I spoke with Mr. Fairplay a few days after the “Heroes vs. Villains” cast list was released to find out why he wasn’t included, which cast members he thinks weren’t worthy, and who his picks are for the greatest players of all time.

Gordon Holmes: The “Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains” cast list went up last Wednesday, and the thing we keep hearing is, “Where’s Jonny Fairplay?”
Jonny Fairplay:
I guess CBS knows what they’re doing. It must get good ratings. I guess they’ll bring me back later.
Gordon: What is your impression of some of the players they chose to bring back?
Fairplay: Some of them are good, some of them aren’t.
Gordon: Which of the players are you disappointed with?
Fairplay: That Danielle (DiLorenzo) chick, I don’t know if she’s a villain or not, but I wouldn’t even put her on the show. Amanda (Kimmel) is not good TV. Honestly, if I’m making a show I’d want the best TV possible. I think me, Rupert (Boneham), and Russell (Hantz) would be good TV. I think Lex (van den Berghe) would be good TV.

Gordon: It seems like they’ve steered away from some of the older seasons. There are a lot of names from “Survivor: China,” “Survivor: Gabon,” and “Survivor: Tocantins.”
Well, I think most people who watch TV have small brains and don’t remember back that far, and I think that’s what CBS is thinking.

Gordon: Jeff Probst and I had a discussion about a “Survivor” Hall of Fame a few years ago…
Dude, I saw that! If you’re really doing a “Survivor” (expletive deleted) Hall of Fame, bar none, here’s the four I would put. I would put Richard Hatch on one side, I would put Rupert on the other side, in the middle I would put me and Jeff Probst. Those are the four faces of “Survivor.” If you didn’t use Jeff Probst, I’d put Jenna Morasca. She has one of the top-selling Playboys of all time. She’s an icon.

Editor’s Note: At this point, “Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains” contestant Cirie Fields joined the conversation.

Fairplay: People say “What about Cirie?” Cirie walks down the street and the fans aren’t (expletive deleted) mauling her. They’re mauling Richard Hatch, they’re mauling Rupert…
Cirie Fields: They should be mauling me!
Fairplay: They should be, but I’m not putting you in the “Survivor” Hall of Fame.
Cirie: (Laughs) Yeah, but Cirie is real hot and everything.
Gordon: We’re not debating that point.
Cirie and Fairplay: (Laugh)

Gordon: What is the reaction on the street when people see Jonny Fairplay?
They ask me for my autograph, I say “No,” and I walk away.

Gordon: How has your life changed since appearing on “Survivor: Pearl Islands?”
Well, I’m on Rolex number two, I have better friends than you, and that’s about it.
Gordon: Clearly you’ve met my friends.
Fairplay: (Laughs)

‘Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains’ Cast Revealed

January 7, 2010

To celebrate 10 years of outwitting, outlasting, and outplaying, CBS has arranged for 10 of the show’s most beloved heroes to square off against 10 of the show’s most hated villains. This illustrious lineup is full of former winners, dominant players, and memorable personalities. However, some forgettable head-scratchers managed to sneak in there as well…

Contestant Comment
tyson Name: Tyson Apostol

Previous Season: “Survivor: Tocantins”

I think Tyson is the most underrated pick on this list. His sniping comments were sorely missed after he was voted out of Brazil. Very pleased.

How Worthy? Four torches out of five.

randy Name: Randy Bailey

Previous Season: “Survivor: Gabon”

Another super solid, underrated pick. Due to Susie Smith’s defection, Randy never really got a chance to maneuver in the Gabon. Hopefully he’ll get a chance to show how evil he can be this time.

How Worthy? Four torches out of five.

ruppert Name: Rupert Boneham

Previous Seasons: “Survivor: Pearl Islands” and “Survivor: All Stars”

Love him or hate him, Rupert Boneham is maybe the third most famous name in “Survivor” history behind Richard Hatch and Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

How Worthy? Five torches out of five.

james Name: James Clement

Previous Seasons: “Survivor: China” and “Survivor: Fans vs. Favorites”

James will go down in history as the first player to be voted out while holding two immunity idols. Unfortunately, outside of that fun fact he doesn’t do much for me.

How Worthy? Two torches out of five.

sandra Name: Sandra Diaz-Twine

Previous Season: “Survivor: Pearl Islands”

I’m all for the former winners returning. They’ve earned it. But Sandra a villain? That’s a bit of a stretch.

How Worthy? Four torches out of five.

dd Name: Danielle DiLorenzo

Previous Season: “Survivor: Panama”

As a runner-up, I can definitely see the appeal of bringing Danielle back, but she doesn’t really inspire me as a fan of the show. Honestly, I don’t remember very much about her.

How Worthy? One torch out of five.

colby Name: Colby Donaldson

Previous Seasons: “Survivor: The Australian Outback” and “Survivor: All Stars”

Colby shined in Australia and fizzled during “All Stars.” He’s a big name to be sure, but I’ve never found him to be that strong of a political player. This may sound ridiculous, but the game is much more complex than it was in 2001.

Ranking: Two torches out of five.

cirie Name: Cirie Fields

Previous Seasons: “Survivor: Panama” and “Survivor: Fans vs. Favorites”

Cirie is very much a fan favorite and has shown a willingness to make big moves to improve her position in the game. I’m definitely on board with her inclusion.

How Worthy? Four torches out of five.

russell Name: Russell Hantz

Previous Season: “Survivor: Samoa”

You expect me to question the inclusion of the most popular player since Rupert Boneham? Not a chance. Russell seeds for everyone!

How Worthy? A hundred billion torches out of five.

amanda Name: Amanda Kimmel

Previous Seasons: “Survivor: China” and “Survivor: Fans vs. Favorites”

Amanda’s claim to fame is being the only player to make it to two final tribal councils. So, I guess she should keep coming back until someone votes her off. But doesn’t it seem like she’s on every other series? Her house plants must be in bad shape.

How Worthy? Four torches out of five.

sugar Name: Jessica “Sugar” Kiper

Previous Season: “Survivor: Gabon”

Hoo-boy…where to start with Sugar? America loved her in Gabon, but I question her will to play the game. She always struck me as someone who just wanted to shine on TV to help her acting career. That being said, let’s hope her and Randy end up on the same tribe at some point

How Worthy? Three torches out of five.

steph Name: Stephenie LaGrossa

Previous Seasons: “Survivor: Palau” and “Survivor: Guatemala”

She’s a fan favorite, she was the surviving member of Palau’s Ulong tribe, and she got to the final two in Guatemala. Solid pick.

How Worthy? Four torches out of five.

jerri Name: Jerri Manthey

Previous Seasons: “Survivor: The Australian Outback” and “Survivor – All Stars”

I understand why they’d invite Jerri back, but I’ve never found her to be that strong of a player. That, and it’s no fun to call her a villain after the audience made her cry at the “Survivor: All Stars” reunion.

How Worthy? Two torches out of five.

boston Name: “Boston” Rob Mariano

Previous Seasons: “Survivor: Marquesas” and “Survivor – All Stars”

Yes, yes, and extra yes. All-star shows are a bit of a crap shoot. The fact that all of the players already know each other cuts into the strategic aspects. However, “Boston” Rob absolutely owned the first all-star season and would have won it all if it wasn’t for a bitter jury. Let’s see if he can dominate again.

How Worthy? Five torches out of five.

parvati Name: Parvati Shallow

Previous Seasons: “Survivor: Cook Islands” and “Survivor – Fans vs. Favorites”

Again, I’m all for winners being brought back into the game. And when they look like Parvati, I’m double all for it.

How Worthy? Five torches out of five.

jt Name: James “J.T.” Thomas Jr.

Previous Season: “Survivor: Tocantins”

JT is a great pick, but this guy is dead in the water. A likable winner from the last season the contestants saw before they started the game? He’s a goner.

How Worthy? Five torches out of five.

coach Name: Benjamin “Coach” Wade

Previous Season: “Survivor: Tocantins”

Somewhere the “Survivor” editing crew is cheering now that they have the “Dragon Slayer” back on the show. Clearly the montages of Coach doing yoga were some of their most inspiring work.

How Worthy? Five torches out of five.

tom Name: Tom Westman

Previous Season: “Survivor: Palau”

Captain America is back! Nobody has dominated a season the way he did and managed to win. Absolutely worthy of inclusion and maybe the player I’m most excited to see. Color me giddy.

How Worthy? Five torches out of five.

candice Name: Candice Woodcock

Previous Season: “Survivor: Cook Islands”

Huh…really? This one honestly has me stumped. Was every other former “Survivor” contestant busy?

How Worthy? One torch out of five.

courtney Name: Courtney Yates

Previous Season: “Survivor: China”

I like this pick a lot. I want them to put her and Tyson in a corner and let them make snarky comments the whole time.

How Worthy? Four torches out of five.