Archive for October, 2013

‘Survivor’ Castaway Kat – ‘Hayden Did Not Break Up with Me’

October 31, 2013

'Survivor: Blood vs. Water' (CBS)

Quick Note: We’re going to be bringing you all kinds of “Survivor” fun this season including episode recaps, exit interviews, and Power Rankings with Malcolm Freberg. Be sure to follow me on Twitter (@gordonholmes) for up-to-the-minute news and info.

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One of Reality TV’s dirty little secrets is that “Survivor” is responsible for way more relationships than “The Bachelor.” You’ve got Boston Rob and Amber Mariano, Keith Tollefson and Whitney Duncan, Jaime Duggan and Erik Huffman, and so on.

But with the new “Blood vs. Water” twist, there was a little concern that “Survivor” could have actually ended a relationship.

I spoke with Kat Edorsson the morning after her “Survivor” elimination. And after getting an update on her relationship with Hayden, I also had a chance to ask about cheating at puzzles, her fight with Colton, and other reality TV opportunities.

Gordon Holmes: My mother is very worried. Please tell her that you and Hayden are alright.
Kat Edorsson: Hayden and I are fantastic. And no, Hayden did not break up with me.
Holmes: Thank goodness. She sent me a very concerned email.
Edorsson: Aww…poor thing.
Holmes: It was funny to me though, because they used your comment about dumping someone for not making the merge as a tag on the last episode. It was like a joke. But last night you seemed really concerned about it.
Edorsson: Hayden and I live in two separate states and we had been dating for a little bit less than a year. And, we’re not married. He’s already won half a million dollars on “Big Brother.” I’m coming into this game and I’m thinking, “I don’t know where our lives are going to go after this.” And I don’t think there was one couple that really wanted to be there as much as Hayden and I individually. He really would have done anything to stay and I would have done anything to say. And there was so much pressure. I didn’t know. And “Survivor” makes you go crazy. Not only am I losing it, but I hadn’t seen my boyfriend for longer than four days in my life, so the fact that I got to see him for seventeen days and couldn’t say one word to him? It was intense. I didn’t know what he was thinking. I didn’t know if he was disappointed.
Holmes: I honestly think it says a lot that you guys probably really smelled bad at Redemption Island.
Edorsson: (Laughs)
Holmes: And you still wanted to hug each other. I think that speaks volumes.
Edorsson: That speaks a lot of volumes.

Holmes: You seemed annoyed that Laura M. was peeking at John’s puzzle. My understanding is that “Survivor” doesn’t have an official rule against that. Was it really bothering you, or were you trying to throw Laura off her game?
Edorsson: Honestly, it was a little bit of frustration. I wasn’t trying to throw her off because I was already thrown off. I was all the way on the left side, Laura was in the middle, and John was on the other end. So, when John finished his puzzle all the people on the tribe were like, “John, knock down your puzzle so Laura can’t keep looking at it.” There was a part in the challenge where her and I were at the same pace, but then POOF she went on a rampage. But, it doesn’t matter. Laura is a puzzle dominator. I thought I was going to get smushed by the MD and the challenge dominator. But, it’s “Survivor.” If I was Laura I would’ve done the same thing.

Holmes: It looked like Vytas was set to go when they flipped and went after you. This all stemmed from you raising concerns with Tina about Monica. Did you know Tina was the one pulling the strings at new Galang?
Edorsson: At the time, no. Tina was my biggest ally in the game. I would have rolled over in my grave for Tina. I wanted to stay with the winners. I thought if Hayden was a winner, the winners would want to stay together. But, the winning part never mattered. I really stuck with Tina. So, when she threw me under the bus, it was like nothing I said could be trusted with anyone in the game. I wasn’t blindsided though, because I knew I was going home.

Holmes: You and Colton had a very loud tiff during the rowing portion of the first immunity challenge. We could hear it from the beach. What exactly happened there?
Edorsson: Colton wasn’t putting his paddle in the water. And when you have to paddle you have to put it in the water.
Holmes: That is how a paddle works.
Edorsson: Exactly. So, I was saying, “Colton, paddle dude. For real.” And I guess in competition I got a little loud. He doesn’t like it when you yell at him so he flipped out at me. And then, right when we won I apologized and he wasn’t having it. Then he went on a rampage. That’s just how he is. That’s Colton Cumbie.

Holmes: Alright, let’s do some word association. We’ll start with Tyson.
Edorsson: Genius.
Holmes: Aras?
Edorsson: Yoga.
Holmes: Monica?
Edorsson: Wife…mother.
Holmes: Laura B.?
Edorsson: A little delusional.
Holmes: Laura M.?
Edorsson: Incredible.
Holmes: Tina?
Edorsson: Cats.
Holmes: Colton?
Edorsson: Next comment.
Holmes: Katie?
Edorsson: Sweet.
Holmes: And we’ll finish with some guy named Hayden.
Edorsson: Love of my life.
Holmes: Aww…

Holmes: Now that you’re watching this season, how livid are you that Gervase and Tyson are sneaking coconuts?
Edorsson: Who gives a (expletive deleted). If they want to eat, let them go eat. I did the same thing. We all did. Me, Tyson, Gervase, and Laura M. snuck off and ate a pineapple all by ourselves. In “One World” I would do the same thing. It’s “Survivor.”
Holmes: So you’re a Pineapple Bandit?
Edorsson: Yeah, we were Pineapple Bandits.
Holmes: I don’t know who to trust.
Edorsson: (Laughs) You and me both, kid.

Holmes: Hayden won “Big Brother.” He’s well on his way to winning “Survivor.” When are we going to see you lovebirds tearing up “The Amazing Race”?
Edorsson: That is the big question. I think we should play as soon as possible. I’m spelling better. I’m graduating. I’m counting. I’m going to figure out my left and right. I’ve got this all taken care of. I hope so. I hope America will get to see Team Hat play together because that’s the one thing we didn’t get to do. And I don’t want to blow smoke up my own butt, but we’re pretty funny when we’re together. As a team, we’re unstoppable.

Any Questions? Drop me a line on Twitter: @gordonholmes

‘Survivor: Blood vs. Water’ Recap – Banned the Brothers?

October 30, 2013

'Survivor: Blood vs. Water' (CBS)

Quick Note: We’re going to be bringing you all kinds of “Survivor” fun this season including episode recaps, exit interviews, and Power Rankings with Malcolm Freberg. Be sure to follow me on Twitter (@gordonholmes) for up-to-the-minute news and info.

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Last Week: Brad burned his buff, Galang got the puzzle ga-wrong, and Kat was cut

39 Days (well…technically 39.5), 20 People, 1 “Survivor” Blog

Let’s take a look at the tribes as they currently stand…

The Galang Tribe (wearing yellow)
Katie – Hedge Fund Support, 25
Laura B. – Merchandiser, 44
Monica – Homemaker, 42
Tina – Motivational Speaker, 52
Vytas – Yoga Instructor, 33

The Tadhana Tribe (wearing red)
Aras – Musician, 31
Caleb – Post Office Manager/Farmer, 26
Ciera – Cosmetology Student, 24
Gervase – Cigar Lounge Owner, 43
Hayden – Real Estate, 26
Tyson – Store Manager, 34

The evening’s festivities kick off with Kat making her way to Redemption Island. She gets a much nicer reception than Brad did. She lets us know that this Kat has nine lives and she’s going to fight to get back in.

She’s also worried that Hayden might dump her because she was voted out before the merge. If that’s true, then it’s bad news for Francesca Hogi’s new matchmaking service.

The next morning Kat breaks down and has herself a cry. Apparently she wasn’t kidding about Hayden being upset.

Next up, we’re off to the arena. Kat immediately asks Hayden to come down and hug her. She cries and says she’s sorry. He promptly dumps her.

OK, that didn’t happen. He says their relationship is more important than the game. Probst puts that statement to the test, asking Hayden if he wants to take Kat’s spot. The two lovebirds discuss it. Kat wants to switch because it’s a puzzle and she can barely spell. I laugh, because I edited her Power Rankings a few seasons ago.

They ultimately decide not to switch because they think Hayden can go farther in the game. But, it means a lot to Kat because she knows Hayden would have made the swap.

Redemption Island Duel (ahem…Truel) Time: Players will use a machete to cut a rope and release puzzle pieces. The first two players to complete the puzzle get to stay. The loser burns their buff and is out of the game. The winner of the competition gets to give away a hidden immunity idol clue. Or, they can cut out the middle man and just set the clue on fire.

John’s the first to release his pieces, but Kat and Laura M. aren’t too far behind. Kat has some trouble getting the puzzle pieces out of the bag.

Probst lets them know that this is the final immunity challenge puzzle that Cochran won last season. However, none of them saw the final episode of Caramoan because they were in pre-show lockdown.

John breezes through the challenge and is the first to advance. Laura is caught looking over at John’s completed puzzle for clues. Kat thinks this is cheating, but “Survivor” Challenge Producer John Kirhoffer has always said, “If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying.” Eddie Guerrero may have said that as well.

Laura M. eventually figures it out and wins. Kat’s out of the game.

John gives the clue to Monica and she burns it. Dude, share it with your alliance! Something! Anything!

Back at Tadhana, Hayden feels terrible for not switching places with Kat. The rest of the tribe agrees that playing with family is much harder than they anticipated. Gervase doesn’t throw in his two cents on that one.

Hayden also points out that Aras is the only member of the tribe with a loved one still in the game. Well, Ciera’s is still kind of in the game.

Tyson pulls the non-Aras Tadhanians together and lets them all know that they can’t let Aras and Vytas reunite at the merge. They all agree to make a solid alliance.

Over at Galang, Tina is becoming quite the Vytas fan. So much so that she wouldn’t mind seeing Vytas and Katie as a couple. Why? Because she’s ready for grandbabies. It’s stuff like that that makes me glad my mother has never been on national television.

Vytas then explains that the thing women like better than a bad boy is a newly reformed bad boy. I’m not going to argue with that, but I’d wager that they’d like a million dollars even more.

Later, the women discuss who to vote out. When they ask Laura about getting rid of Vytas, she starts crying. Laura…if Vytas doesn’t go, you’re going. That’s a fact. And there’s no knight in shining tie-dye to save you this time.

Immunity Challenge Time: Four members of each tribe will be chained together and will have to maneuver their way out of a spiral puzzle. Once they’re all free they’ll make their way through a bamboo obstacle course and retrieve bags of balls. From there they’ll use their chains and balls to create bolos. The first team to throw three bolos onto a structure will win immunity and fried chicken.

Oh man, that’s awesome.

Ciera will sit out for Tadhana.

The challenge starts and both tribes have little trouble with the spiral puzzle and the obstacle course. Tadhana has a slight lead, but it’s really close.

Tyson will throw for Tadhana, while Tina throws for Galang. It’s close again, but Tyson pulls off the win.

Back at Galang, Laura B. immediately breaks down and tell Vytas that he’s next. She might not be built for this game.

Monica and Katie aren’t pleased with Laura B. spilling the beans. Well, she didn’t spill the beans so much as she chucked them into Vytas’s face.

Tina starts having second thoughts about the vote because Laura is so unpredictable. Also, Laura can’t give her grandbabies.

That night at Tribal Council, Vytas says that he wasn’t happy to hear he’d be the next to go.

Monica thinks it was risky to tell Vytas his number was up. Katie agrees.

Vytas thinks Aras will be proud of him, but bummed that he’s out of the game.

Laura B. admits that they need to break up the brothers.

Vytas is going to vote for the person he thinks is the least trustworthy.

Voting Time: Laura B. votes for Vytas, Vytas votes for Laura B., and the rest didn’t make the cut.

JPro tallies and returns. We’ve got one vote for Vytas, two votes for Laura B., and the ninth person to be sent to Redemption Island is…Laura B.

Well, at least Laura watched her language this time.

Verdict: I’m not sure Tina and Co. made the right call on that one.  Laura B. can’t be trusted, but she’s harmless. Vytas and Aras are dangerous.

That being said, this season is still zipping along at an awesome pace.

Who’s Going to Win? Vytas is the king. He’s wiggled out of certain elimination two weeks in a row. Here’s hoping he can find some way to diffuse the brothers’ heat after the merge

Power Rankings Results: Malcolm has Laura B. in spot five, I had her in spot nine. We both had Laura M. and John surviving at Redemption. So, the score for this round is Team Glamour and Glitter, Fashion and Fame 7, Team Real American Heroes 11. The current total score is Team Glamour and Glitter, Fashion and Fame 79, Team Real American Heroes 88.

Any Questions? Drop me a line on Twitter: @gordonholmes

‘Survivor: Blood vs. Water’ Power Rankings – Malcolm’s Poetry Edition

October 29, 2013

"Survivor: Blood vs. Water" (CBS)

IMPORTANT NOTE: “Survivor” Power Rankings dynamo Malcolm Freberg is going to be appearing on “The Bold and the Beautiful” Wednesday, October 30 and Thursday, October 31 at 1:30 p.m. ET on CBS.

Less-Important Note: We’re going to be bringing you all kinds of “Survivor” fun this season including episode recaps, exit interviews, and Power Rankings with Malcolm Freberg. Be sure to follow me on Twitter (@gordonholmes) for up-to-the-minute news and info.

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The Rules: Each week our two combatants will create separate power rankings. The ranking of the person who is voted out of the next episode will determine the number of points the two players will earn. For example, if Tyson is voted out this week, Malcolm will receive 1 point and Gordon will receive 7 points. Also, each player will pick the players they think will win at Redemption Island. They’ll receive a bonus point for each correct pick. At the end of the season, the person with the most points will be named the “Survivor: Blood vs. Water” Power Rankings Challenge Champion.

NOTE: If a current player decides to swap places with their loved one at Redemption Island, they’ll also swap places in the rankings. For example; if Hayden switches places with Kat, Kat will take the 9th spot in Malcolm’s rankings and the 10th spot in Gordon’s rankings.

Last Week: Malcolm had Kat in spot seven, Gordon had her in spot eleven. Malcolm had John and Brad winning at Redemption. Gordon correctly picked John and Laura M. So, the score for this round is Team Malcolm 8, Team Gordon 13. The current total score is Team Malcolm 72, Team Gordon 77.

Wager Update: Since Malcolm lost last week’s competition, his rankings for this week will have to rhyme. As the winner, Gordon gets to give official names to each ranking team. The loser of this week’s rankings will have to compare each of the contestants to a song title.

Team Glamor and Glitter, Fashion and Fame: 72

Any advice for Malcolm? Drop him a line on Twitter: @MalcolmWHW

Team Real American Heroes: 77

Any advice for Gordon? Drop him a line on Twitter: @gordonholmes

 1. Tyson – (My only ambitious, serious attempt at complex rhyming)

He believes in nothing, isn’t that nihilism?
Oh wait, magic! Thus spawns my favoritism;
Also, Miley Cyrus seriously lacks tact:
That wrecking ball line, she clearly hacked.

 1. Gervase Who’s in a better spot than Gervase right now? He’s on the powerhouse new Tadhana tribe. He’s best buddies with Tyson, who will take all the bullets. And, with Brad Culpepper out of the game he has no natural enemies.
 2. Tina – (Middle school bully with a strong opposition to incest)

Tina and Katie, sitting in a tree,
This is getting weird so I’m gunna stop,
But this Mommy and Daughter you won’t top.

 2. Tina – The winner of the second season of “Survivor” could have been in some serious trouble last week. She blew the challenge…twice and she was the only person to be paired with their loved one in the tribe swap. But, she managed to turn two people who could’ve teamed up against her against each other. Well played.
 3. Gervase – (The intro to “Baby Got Back,” remixed)

Oh. My. God. Becky, look at his shirt.
It is so big.
It looks like one of those stupid snuggies.
He only wears it because he can fit three people inside.
I mean, his shirt, it’s just so huge and so billowy…
I mean, LOOK. It’s just so, GREEN.

(No, it doesn’t rhyme, but it’s in the proper spirit and I’m a disgruntled Cowboys fan and that shirt is getting on my nerves)

 3. Monica – You might not technically be in the driver’s seat over at new Galang, (I think Tina’s really pulling the strings) but it certainly looks like you are.

 4. Monica – (To the tune of the Grinch’s song)

That was a close one, Monica;
That was well played, to stick, a-rouuunnd,
But you keep referring to yourself in the third person,
And it’s starting to drive me crazy,

 4. Caleb Tadhana is such a mess of pre-merge positioning that nobody is even thinking about Caleb’s slick move to get rid of Brad. Caleb’s best bet now is to sit back and let the alphas tear each other apart. That is if Tadhana ever loses immunity.

  5. Laura B. – (Haiku)

Let me be very clear:
I still don’t support tie-dye,
But you need not fear.

 5. Katie – Oh man, I can’t think of anything worse than being on a tribe with my mom. The last thing I need is her sharing stories about the bunny slippers I wore to summer camp with my tribe mates. That, and I don’t know if my mother has the “Survivor” chops to save my tushy like Katie’s does.
 6. Caleb – (To the tune of any Kenny Chesney’s “When the Sun Goes Down”)

Just sittin here on my rotting log chair,
Drinking coconuts in the hot summer air,
Nothing to do but avoid the fray,
Cuz all the big strong boys about to go away…

 6. Ciera – And the winner of the 2013 “Survivor: Blood vs. Water” tribe swap is…Ciera! Nobody needed this shakeup more than she did. Sometimes it’s better to be lucky than to be good. She should happily throw her vote toward whichever side has the majority at the next Tribal.
 7. Katie – (Any song sung by Vanilla Ice ever)

YO! Little lady lookin’ fly,
But she aint done s**t  ‘xcept almost die;
She got rotting feet and a tribe so beat,
Good thing yo mama playin’ a game E-LEET.

  7. Tyson – Tyson thinks he’s coming off as being funny with his digs at Aras, but Aras is the type that doesn’t let anything get by him. In a game that’s being called “Do unto others before they do unto you,” Tyson might be tipping his hand a little.
 8. Ciera – (Shakespeare, age nine)

Mommy being gone, ‘tis a plus for you,
That doesn’t mean you’re worth more than poo;
But being no good thou shalt no longer rue,
Being not a threat makes mine pre-game pick cometh true.

 8. Aras – Kudos to Aras and Vytas for playing up the rivalry aspect of their relationship. It almost makes you think they could be convinced to turn on each other. Almost. They’re both way too smart for that. Getting rid of one of them should be a top priority.
 9. Hayden – (Tune of LFO’s “Summer Girls”)

Hip-hop marmalade spic and span,
Saw Kat on Redemption and it all began,
She’s the best girl that he ever did see,
But she didn’t make the merge, umm sorry oop-sie.
You better not switch in, I don’t think she’d let you,
She should run the challenge; you’re better off not to,
Still in trouble if Tyson keeps Aras,
So you best shut up about those coconuts.

  9. Laura B. – Mrs. Boneham might be the floatiest floater who ever floated. Is she close with anyone? If I’m her, I’m getting in all of the female ears at new Galang and warning them about what will happen when the Baskauskas unite at the merge.
 10. Aras – (Intro to “Age of Aquarius”)

The gaaaaaame is in the fifteenth day,
And Tysoooon aligns with Gervase;
Then Tadhaaaaanaaa may cut their leeeeeader,
And the coconut baaandiiiits will steer the game,

(I’m tired of rhyming, damnit)

  10. Hayden – Both a Hayden vote and an Aras vote make sense. They’re both going to be serious forces after the merge. The only reason I’m slightly going with Hayden over Aras is because Tyson and Gervase will see that Kat is gone and they’ll realize that they might not have the base they thought they were going to have.
 11. Vytas – (Third grader who doesn’t fully understand rhyming)

Tribe, bad.
Only boy, bad.
Mouthy, bad
Merge coming, bad.
Conclusion, bad.
I hoped you enjoyed reading this poem as much as I did writing it thank you goodbye.

  11. Vytas – You played it perfectly last week and it bought you some time. The question is; can you do it again? I’m thinking your only move here is to target Laura B. Obviously Tina and Katie won’t turn on each other and Monica has been tight with Tina since the beginning. If we weren’t so close to the merge I’d have Laura B. at the bottom of this list, but I don’t think Galang cares about challenge strength at this point.
 Redemption Island Picks: Laura M. and John – (Freestyle battle somewhere in downtown Detroit)

Yea, yea, yea…
Alright, alright – John sittin’ there all big and muscle-y,
Getting’ his back rubbed down by a sweet grand mommy,
(crowd: ‘OHHHHHH!!!’)
Two smart cookies got all the skills in the Kit,
Gunna do work to get rid of Kat.
(begin mosh pit and a full crowd rhythmic chant of …)
(crowd leaves to commit arson)
 Redemption Island Picks: Laura M. and John – The good news for Kat; Hayden isn’t going to dump her for being voted out before the merge. The bad news for Kat; he probably will when she loses her first Redemption Island challenge.

And Laura and John…for me, for the producers, for “Survivor” fans everywhere…give the idol clue to someone who will use it.

Watch Full Episodes of “Survivor: Blood vs. Water

‘Survivor’ Castaway Brad – ‘The Screaming Was Worse Than You Saw on TV’

October 24, 2013

'Survivor: Blood vs. Water' (CBS)

Quick Note: We’re going to be bringing you all kinds of “Survivor” fun this season including episode recaps, exit interviews, and Power Rankings with Malcolm Freberg. Be sure to follow me on Twitter (@gordonholmes) for up-to-the-minute news and info.

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There are three measures of “Survivor” success; winning the million-dollar prize, winning the $100,000 fan-favorite vote, and getting a last-name nickname from host Jeff Probst.

Brad Culpepper managed to land one of those achievements on his first day.

I spoke to Culpepper the morning after his Redemption Island elimination and had a chance to ask him about Caleb’s stratagem, Candice’s demeanor, and accusations of sexism…

Holmes: How is it going?
Culpepper: Good, but I’d rather be out of on that island.
Holmes: I was at your camp, it was a beautiful location.
Culpepper: You were there when I pulled that snake out?
Holmes: I was.
Culpepper: God! Nobody even remembers that! I wish someone would have gotten a camera shot of that. You at least witnessed that.
Holmes: I did. I can verify that for future generations.

Holmes: Let’s talk about your first night on Redemption Island. It looked like you came in there and were very apologetic, but they were shutting you down. Did the Codys ever come around?
Culpepper: Yes. Candice was very cold most of that night. I’ve got teenagers so I’ve had difficult conversations. I tried to diffuse it the best I could. John warmed up pretty quickly. He and I got along pretty well. I explained to him that if we were playing regular “Survivor” he would have been my #1 and we would’ve gone to the end five guys strong. But, Monica is my #1. I explained that to John and he understood. Candice probably did too, but she was angry. The next day she warmed up and we hugged it out. There was less animosity at Redemption Island with her than was portrayed. With other people the screaming was worse than you saw on TV.
Holmes: Speaking of those blow-ups. Were you worried that you were going to mess up Monica’s game over at Galang?
Culpepper: Well look at Tyson, he stands up and says, “Mr. football guy, I’m going to get you.” I’m thinking, “Oh my God, I might be ruining Monica’s alliance.” I didn’t know who she’s aligned with, they hadn’t voted anyone out. I have no idea what’s happening over there. I’m assuming she’s with connected people over there, because once players become disconnected they’ll become their own faction. At that point, I was trying to make it to the merge with Monica so I vote out John who’s not connected or a guy like Caleb. But the fact remains, I’m worried about voting off someone who has a loved one on Monica’s tribe who’s going to say, “To heck with Monica, her husband voted my loved one off, I’m going to get rid of her.” And I’d already told my five guys, “If Monica gets voted out, I’m taking her spot. Treat her as best you can.”

Holmes: At one point Candice accused you of being sexist. What’s your response to that?
Culpepper: Because I talked to my wife about what to do with the clue? That’s sexist?
Holmes: There was talk of you shushing women on Tadhana.
Culpepper: I don’t want to even acknowledge that. I don’t even know what shushing is. That was coming from Marissa and Marissa was very angry. Candice, all of her information was coming from other sources. You would have to ask the people on my tribe who spent some time with me. And as for burning the clue, she was trying to rip the clue, which wasn’t shown on television, to get rid of it. But it was folded up and was hard to rip. I told her to burn the clue and someone took that as me telling her what to do. I promise you, Monica is not the type to be married to a sexist man. And I’m very liberal. The shushing thing was absurd.

Holmes: Caleb said he knew you were tossing his name around.
Culpepper: I wasn’t telling him that. Vytas and I spent all afternoon talking about this. But at the end of the day, Vytas was convincing me that Monica was fine, that she was probably with Aras. And Caleb would be an asset to us after the merge because he was unconnected. And I was like, “Alright.” I wasn’t going to vote Caleb out and Vytas explained that to him. I should have said, “There was some conversation, but we are tight, we are strong. We’re not voting against you.” Because there was no talk going into that Tribal about voting me out. He changed his mind at the last minute. It was a very shrewd move, but I don’t know if it was smart or not because he was so under the radar. I went to Redemption Island and said, “That guy with the cowboy boots? Don’t sleep on him.” And everyone on Monica’s tribe now knows that.

Holmes: My big concern going into this season was that if I knew I was safe, I’d consider throwing a challenge to keep my loved one safe. On day one you and Marissa had a bit of an argument over that strategy.
Culpepper: Don’t misread what I said, I never said I’d throw a challenge. Marissa kept saying “This guy will throw a challenge.” That’s not what I said. I said I’d feel bad about her not having a tarp. There’s a difference. And it’s true. We lost every challenge and it wasn’t because of us throwing anything. Every section I was in we were winning. I knocked…
Holmes: Gervase.
Culpepper: Gervase in the sumo thing. We had a big lead in the spoke puzzle. We had a lead in the jigsaw and the skeeball. Every portion I had was a lead going in. We never threw a challenge. Or, I wasn’t a part of any of that. But I was happy that Monica got the fishing gear and the scones. I really wanted to win so I could get a feel for what was going on in their tribe. Had they been able to vote someone out, I’d have had a better feel for who she was with.

Watch Every Episode of “Survivor: Blood vs. Water”

Holmes: Alright, let’s do some word association. We’ll start with John.
Culpepper: Solid, strong, and trusting.
Holmes: Ciera?
Culpepper: Lucky.
Holmes: Caleb?
Culpepper: Nervous.
Holmes: Hayden?
Culpepper: Solid, strong, trustworthy.
Holmes: Katie?
Culpepper: Lucky.
Holmes: Vytas?
Culpepper: Thinker, smart.
Holmes: Marissa?
Culpepper: Who?
Holmes: Rachel?
Culpepper: She got screwed. She didn’t get an opportunity to play her game. She’s smart and she’s shrewd. I think she could’ve been a good “Survivor” player and through no fault of her own she got jettisoned.
Holmes: That almost sounds like Monica during “One World.”
Culpepper: Monica never got a chance. In “One World” there was an alliance within five minutes of landing on that beach. So Monica said to me, “Brad, do not have what happened to me happen to you. When you land get an alliance quick.” And while the edit makes it seem like I was sprinting from one guy to the next, that was four days of me talking to people who were wanting to play the game. The girls were not interested in talking about strategy or the game and the guys were all, “I’m in.” And because Monica was not in the original alliance she never got a chance. She was underneath and then was there a mix-up she was immediately targeted by Colton and she was out of the game.

Holmes: Both you and Monica referred to your gameplay as being her “Shield.” Do you feel like you were successful in that aspect?
Culpepper: My #1 priority was giving Monica a chance to play. My #2 priority was to not be the reason why she was voted out. And as the game was progressing it was clear to me that her tribe thought I was some terrible ogre even though they never spent time with me. My real tribemates talked glowingly of me when I went to Redemption Island. They all said, “We miss you, you cooked and cleaned and all that stuff.”  So, judge my gameplay on how well Monica does. Because at this point she is playing the game. She never got a chance to play in 24 (“One World”) and here in 27 (“Blood vs. Water”) she’s playing full speed ahead. She’s playing the game as well as anyone and I’m very proud of her.

Any Questions? Drop me a line on Twitter: @gordonholmes

‘Survivor: Blood vs. Water’ Recap – Is Vytas Clueless?

October 23, 2013

'Survivor: Blood vs. Water' (CBS)

Quick Note: We’re going to be bringing you all kinds of “Survivor” fun this season including episode recaps, exit interviews, and Power Rankings with Malcolm Freberg. Be sure to follow me on Twitter (@gordonholmes) for up-to-the-minute news and info.

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Last Week: Aras experienced a rubdown, Galang got their first immunity beat down, and Laura M. was the victim of a Tribal Council smack down.

39 Days (well…technically 39.5), 20 People, 1 “Survivor” Blog

Let’s take a look at the tribes as they currently stand…

The Galang Tribe (wearing yellow)
Aras – Musician, 31
Gervase – Cigar Lounge Owner, 43
Kat – Full-Time Student/Sales, 23
Laura B. – Merchandiser, 44
Monica – Homemaker, 42
Tina – Motivational Speaker, 52
Tyson – Store Manager, 34

The Tadhana Tribe (wearing red)
Caleb – Post Office Manager/Farmer, 26
Ciera – Cosmetology Student, 24
Hayden – Real Estate, 26
Katie – Hedge Fund Support, 25
Vytas – Yoga Instructor, 33

The evening’s shindig gets underway back at Galang after Tribal Council and Laura B. is sad that someone was voted out. Your husband has been on this show a billion times, didn’t you know that’s how it works?

Aras is a little upset because he wanted Laura M. to take a more noble approach to being sent to Redemption. Yeah, it’s weird when people are annoyed that you stabbed them in the back.

The next morning, the Coconut Compadres are trying to figure out what to do about the Baskauskas brothers. They agree that taking Aras out before the merge is probably their best bet.

And…we’re off to Redemption (not an) Island arena. Ciera is not shocked to see her mother there because she has a sixth sense about when her loved ones have been eliminated from reality shows.

Probst gives Ciera a chance to swap, but Laura M. won’t hear of it because she rocks at challenges and Ciera…well…

Redemption Island Duel (ahem…Truel) Time: Players will race across a balance beam while collecting numbered tiles. The first two people to put the tiles in order get to stay. The last person is a goner. The first person to complete the puzzle will get to give an immunity idol clue to the person of their choice.

Laura gets off to a lead with John right behind her. John eventually has some trouble with the balance beam and Brad manages to pass him.

Long story short; Laura simply destroys this challenge with Brad and John battling for second. It’s close, but John pulls off the win.

Brad does a John Bender fist pump as he leaves. Monica, don’t you forget about him.

Laura decides to give the clue to Vytas instead of Ciera because she doesn’t want to put a clue on her back. Vytas promptly burns the clue.

Quick Aside: Wouldn’t it have made sense to give the clue to the most vulnerable person on Galang? There’s no way Laura B. would burn the clue, and she could use it to put some heat on the Galang Five.

Another Quick Aside: Why did Vytas burn the clue? He’s relatively safe on Tadhana. He could use the idol to bring his alliance back together.

Before leaving the arena, Probst tells everyone to drop their buffs. He hands out new ones and we officially have a tribe swap.

Alright, let’s take a look at our new tribes…

The Galang Tribe (wearing yellow)
Kat – Full-Time Student/Sales, 23
Katie – Hedge Fund Support, 25
Laura B. – Merchandiser, 44
Monica – Homemaker, 42
Tina – Motivational Speaker, 52
Vytas – Yoga Instructor, 33

The Tadhana Tribe (wearing red)
Aras – Musician, 31
Caleb – Post Office Manager/Farmer, 26
Ciera – Cosmetology Student, 24
Gervase – Cigar Lounge Owner, 43
Hayden – Real Estate, 26
Tyson – Store Manager, 34

Wow…$20 on Tadhana to win the next immunity challenge. Any takers?

Over at Tadhana beach, the classic Tadhanians immediately spill the beans about what was going on over there including John’s immunity idol clues. C’mon guys, withholding info is Survivor 101.

Later, Tyson keeps to his Coconut Bandit core and starts eating a lot of Tadhana’s food. Hayden isn’t loving that at all.

At Galang, Vytas isn’t happy with his new situation. Well, maybe he’d feel better if he had an immunity idol.

Meanwhile, Monica is trying to start up an all-female alliance. Purple Kat is on board, but she thinks Monica is strategizing too much.

Vytas, realizing he’s in some serious trouble opens up about his drug use in the hopes of getting the women to sympathize with him. Smart.

Immunity Challenge Time: Two members from each tribe will swim out to a cage at the bottom of the ocean. They’ll dive down, untie some knots, open a gate, and retrieve a fish trap. Once they have all three traps they’ll use the puzzle pieces inside to complete a puzzle. First tribe to finish wins immunity and a picnic.

The challenge gets underway and Gervase is doing a respectable job in the water. Philly represent.

Apparently Tina and Laura B. didn’t understand the rules because they forgot to retrieve their fish trap.

Wow, that’s just…wow.

Tadhana has a major lead, but Galang comes storming back during the puzzle portion. Galang even thinks they have the puzzle completed at two different points, but they just can’t get it right. Tadhana wins immunity.

After the challenge, Vytas is beyond annoyed that Laura B. and Tina dropped the ball.

Politicking seems to be between Vytas and Monica. Why Vytas? Because he’s a dude. Why Monica? Because she strategizes too much.

Tina lets Monica know that Kat is targeting her. Monica isn’t psyched about that at all. She confronts Kat with this info and Kat plays it off.

That night at Tribal Council, Kat admits that her and Monica aren’t getting along.

Monica wants Kat to trust her.

Kat looks like she’s on the verge of tears. Uh-oh…

Kat says she hopes she isn’t going home and says she’ll do anything to stay. Uh-oh again…

“One World” fight!

Vytas says he hasn’t breached anyone’s trust and Kat has proven that she can’t be trusted.

Voting Time: Kat votes for “Vetus”, Vytas votes for Kat, and the rest aren’t shown.

JPro does some solid tallying then makes a grand re-entrance. We’ve got one vote for Vytas, one vote for Kat, two votes for Kat, and the eighth person to be sent to Redemption Island is…Kat.


Verdict: I don’t know how necessary that tribe swap was. I feel like this season had more than enough going for it already.

That being said, this season is still shockingly solid.

Who’s Going to Win? That new Galang tribe is dead in the water. That should keep my boy Vytas safe for a while. Oddly enough, his best bet is if Aras gets blindsided before the merge. But, that’d involve Tadhana losing immunity which probably isn’t going to happen.

Power Rankings Results: Malcolm had Kat in spot seven, I had her in spot eleven. He had John and Brad winning at Redemption. I correctly picked John and Laura M. So, the score for this round is Team Malcolm 8, Team Gordon 13. The current total score is Team Malcolm 72, Team Gordon 77.

Any Questions? Drop me a line on Twitter: @gordonholmes

‘Survivor: Blood vs. Water’ Power Rankings – Keanu Reeves Edition

October 22, 2013

'Survivor: Blood vs. Water'/'The Matrix' (CBS/AP)

IMPORTANT NOTE: “Survivor” Power Rankings dynamo Malcolm Freberg is going to be appearing on “The Bold and the Beautiful” Thursday, October 24, Friday, October 25, Wednesday, October 30, and Thursday, October 31 at 1:30 p.m. ET on CBS.

Less-Important Note: We’re going to be bringing you all kinds of “Survivor” fun this season including episode recaps, exit interviews, and Power Rankings with Malcolm Freberg. Be sure to follow me on Twitter (@gordonholmes) for up-to-the-minute news and info.

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The Rules: Each week our two combatants will create separate power rankings. The ranking of the person who is voted out of the next episode will determine the number of points the two players will earn. For example, if Tyson is voted out this week, Malcolm will receive 1 point and Gordon will receive 5 points. Also, each player will pick the players they think will win at Redemption Island. They’ll receive a bonus point for each correct pick. At the end of the season, the person with the most points will be named the “Survivor: Blood vs. Water” Power Rankings Challenge Champion.

NOTE: If a current player decides to swap places with their loved one at Redemption Island, they’ll also swap places in the rankings. For example; if Monica swaps places with Brad, Brad will take the 8th spot in Malcolm’s rankings and the 6th spot in Gordon’s rankings.

Last Week: Malcolm had Laura M. in spot seven, I had her in spot eight. We both had the Codys winning at Redemption Island for a single point each. So, the score for this round is Team Malcolm 8, Team Gordon 9. The current total score is Team Malcolm 64, Team Gordon 64.

Wager Update: Since Malcolm lost last week’s competition, he has to compare each ranked competitor to a character from a Keanu Reeves movie. The loser of this week’s rankings will have to rank in rhyme. The winner will get to give official names to both of the teams.

Malcolm’s Current Score: 64

Any advice for Malcolm? Drop him a line on Twitter: @MalcolmWHW

Gordon’s Current Score: 64

Any advice for Gordon? Drop him a line on Twitter: @gordonholmes

 1. Tyson is Ted from “Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure” – Two guys, unified in absurdity but somehow heroes at the same time. Tyson was shown to have a voice in the tribal decision, so he looks like the pair’s better half. Now, I saw a CBS ad where they show the tribe swap this week, and that massively favors the tribe with the numbers. It’s no coincidence that a lot of Galang gets a bump up. Remember: Be Excellent To Each Other.
 1. Tina Seriously, Probst?! You make up all of these bizarre rules for this season that make Power Rankings mega complicated, then you throw in a tribe swap for fun? What’d I ever do to you? (Besides maybe some lighthearted teasing in my recaps.) Ugh…alright. Rule #1 in ranking a tribe swap is dominant males on the tribe that is down in numbers are in trouble. None of those things apply to Tina.
 2. Tina is The Oracle from “The Matrix” – Needed a badass older lady, and there’s a dearth of them in Keanu’s filmography. The Oracle simply sits in a condo chain smoking and spitting truth. Tina just chillaxes and says the right things around camp and isn’t threatening anyone. With daughter dearest in tow, she may have a fresh ally and thus some flexibility if they have to boot someone.  2. Ciera – And another thing, Probst…I thought it’d add to the Power Rankings presentation to have the players’ name match the color of their tribe. Now I’m going to have to redo a bunch of these images. Anywho, Ciera isn’t going anywhere. Nobody’s worried about her.
 3. Gervase is Bill from “Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure” – Almost the same as Tyson, but someone has to be relegated to the sidekick whose career peaked with this 1989 tent pole, and I’m still wishy-washy with my feelings about Gerv. The preview looked like the duo didn’t get mixed up, so I expect these two clowns to carry on safely to the merge. Party On, Dudes.
 3. Katie – Not to mention the fact that this Wednesday’s episode is going head-to-head with Game 1 of the World Series. Do you think my beloved St. Louis Cardinals get to the World Series every year, Probst?! No. It’s only been four times in the last ten years. Also, Katie’s safe too as long as her gross toes can keep from falling off.

 4. Aras is Bodhi from “Point Break” – Everyone reveres the guy and he’s on top of the world, but you get the feeling that he’s going to crash and burn sooner rather than later. This swap should play in his favor: the chaos surrounding a mix-up makes his perceived loyalty more valuable. Still, he’s on everyone’s radar.
 4. Gervase Alright, I’ve calmed down. Fortunately for Gervase, he’s calmed down too.  And the person who was so mad about his post-challenge smacktalk has bigger things to worry about on Redemption Island. Add to that the fact that his Coconut Compadre is a much bigger target than he is and Gervase is in good shape.

  5. Katie is one of those half-human/half-demon things from “Constantine” – You remember how they were all half-rotted away? Yup, that’s about all we know of Katie from last week. Her being reunited with Tina after professing her desire to beat mommy should be fun to watch, though I imagine they’ll work together initially. Katie suddenly seems the safest of the original Tadhana.
 5. Tyson – It occurred to me that I don’t remember much about Tyson from Tocantins other than his epic hilariousness. So, I went back and watched some clips and realized that he was a challenge force. I wonder if I’ve forgotten about that because of the “Heroes vs. Villains” debacle. I wonder if everyone out there has forgotten about it too…
 6. Caleb is Johnny Utah from “Point Break” – You weren’t sure if he was going to side with the FBI or the surfers, and you weren’t sure if he was actually ever doing the right things, but you knew you liked Johnny Utah. Same with Caleb – we don’t know who he’s going to side with, or if he’s playing smart at all, but he’d definitely empty an entire handgun clip into the sky. Not having Colton around makes his perceived threat level lower.
 6. Monica – Oh, Monica…you must be a nervous wreck. You were sent home immediately after a tribe swap in your last season. I wouldn’t worry about it too much this time. The odds are good that you’ll end up with people from your Galang alliance.
 7. Kat is Annie from “Speed” – She’s relatively helpful and likeable, but most importantly she’s had her license suspended. And if there’s one member of the cast I don’t really want on the roads, it’s Kat. If she’s pissed at Monica, watch out for Kat, who’s never been in the majority at Galang, to start considering other options.
  7. Caleb – Caleb’s the toughest one to rank this week. Could Monica want revenge for Brad? Can Caleb fade into the background like he did before? Can a fractured former Tadhana stick together? Too many variables!
 8. Monica is Mary Ann (the wife) from “Devil’s Advocate” – Really picked this just because Monica is the Devil’s (Brad’s) Advocate out there; feel free to revel in my cleverness. But she’s just kind of there, and you kind of like her, but she’s also a little annoying at times, and now it looks like Kat’s butting heads with her. I honestly have no clue how safe she is, especially considering hubby being on RI, so this placement is cautious pessimism.
 8. Aras – The Coconut Campadres are on to you, Aras. And frankly, they should be. You’re someone who might benefit from dirtying up your game a bit. Sophie Clarke had a smart strategy where she wanted to have at least one enemy. You could learn from that.
 9. Hayden is Officer Jack Traven from “Speed” – He was a likeable, athletic, daredevil hero who hooked up with Annie. Such is Hayden, who seems to be the popular dude around old Tadhana. Swap may hurt him – went from being in a good spot to losing numbers, plus having a loved one apparently makes you a bigger target this season. Some returnees may use this as an opportunity to eliminate a big threat.
  9. Vytas – Depending on how this swap turns out, Vytas could find himself in on the chopping block. Nobody wants to see the brothers reunite at the merge and this might be the best opportunity to take one of them out.
 10. Vytas is Constantine from “Constantine” – Nobody denies that he’s a no-nonsense bad ass, but he’s not a very smooth character either. Vytas is in good shape around camp and is a rock star in challenges, but every now and then it seems like something comes out of his mouth that probably shouldn’t have. A lot like Hayden, a swap may put him on the bottom and he’s got a target because Aras is still around. Also, somebody let him know Coach already patented meditative posing for the cameras.
  10. Laura B. – Aras thinks you’re an easy vote, but not necessarily a smart vote. That should keep you in the game as long as you’re on Aras’s tribe. You’d better hope you two pick similar buffs.
 11. Ciera is Joan of Ark from “Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure” – Ms. Of Ark, while a formidable military commander in her time, was kind of worthless in San Dimas in 1989. Ciera’s probably a capable provider at home, but she’s not really doing much on the island. A swap isn’t going to affect how large a liability she is in the challenges, but hooray for my preseason pick not on the bottom of the list anymore! (…barely)   11. Kat – Kat will never be safe as long as she’s looked at as part of a duo. Nobody’s saying it, but everyone must be terrified of Hayden. For this reason Kat is going to have a target on her back as long as he’s still in the game.
 12. Laura B. is that lady who got blown up trying to get off the bus from “Speed” – She was kind of whiny and talked too much and was completely responsible for blowing herself up. I actually think this is my most apt comparison. If no one figures out how to handle or use her, she remains an easy boot.  12. Hayden – Who’s the strongest challenge competitor on the tribe that’s down in numbers? Mr. “Big Brother.” And, this is why I’m not a fan of tribe swaps. Challenge strength is an advantage before the merge and a liability after. A swap takes Hayden’s advantage away prematurely.
 Redemption Island Picks: John and Brad are Neo and Agent Smith from “The Matrix” – Good guy vs. bad guy, simple as that. Laura M can be Trinity, the female collateral damage of their battle, to round out my final metaphor quite nicely. Side note: John is losing my affection fast — why the hell would you give the clue to Monica again when there’s been 0 change to the status quo? What’d you expect to happen?
 Redemption Island Picks: Laura M. and John – Mark my words; Brad Culpepper’s buff is going to be a’blazin’ if there is a puzzle at the end of the next duel. And John, if you get another clue, don’t waste it on Monica. The clue is currency and you’re going to need someone on your side if you get back into the game.

Watch Full Episodes of “Survivor: Blood vs. Water

‘Survivor’ Castaway Candice – ‘Coming in Late Was a Disadvantage’

October 17, 2013

Candice Cody (CBS)

Quick Note: We’re going to be bringing you all kinds of “Survivor” fun this season including episode recaps, exit interviews, and Power Rankings with Malcolm Freberg. Be sure to follow me on Twitter (@gordonholmes) for up-to-the-minute news and info.

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The official subtitle for this season of “Survivor” is “Blood vs. Water” but it could have easily been “Survivor: Bizarro World.” Marissa was voted out for how her uncle acted in the game. Rachel was voted out in an attempt to lure her boyfriend Tyson out of the game.

Candice Cody was bounced for something that happened before the game.

I spoke with the three-time returnee the morning after her elimination and had a chance to ask her about her feud with the Culpeppers, her romantic getaway, and a problem with last night’s Redemption Island puzzle…

Gordon Holmes: Hey Candice, how’s it going?
Candice Cody: I’ve been better.
Holmes: What? I thought you got to enjoy three nights on a beautiful Filipino beach with the man of your dreams.
Cody: I’m just teasing, I had a great time. It was an interesting season. A lot of twists…some that didn’t work to my advantage and some that did. And to get to experience it with John…he’s an awesome guy. I think we had a really unique experience. It was cool.

Holmes: I’m not a fan of someone being sent to Redemption Island or out of the game without an official Tribal Council vote.
Cody: I really think it was difficult for me because I came out less than 24 hours before the game started. (NOTE: Candice and John were last-minute alternates) Everyone else had been staring at each other and counting their numbers of who they were going to work with before the game started. Obviously my face wasn’t there for that. So, to be voted out 30 seconds in…I thought coming in late was a disadvantage, but give me three days. People will like me and we’ll be good. But, to not have that chance…it was devastating to give up all of my vacation for the next two years to come out and play the game. It was tough.

Holmes: Candice Woodcock played twice. She was a good challenge competitor, but some strategies came back to bite her. Candice Cody is a bad ass.
Cody: (Laughs)
Holmes: She’s flipping the bird, she’s cursing out former NFL players.
Cody: The one-finger salute!

Holmes: Last night they showed you and John enjoying your evening…
Cody: And then the record screeched and everything stopped.
Holmes: It’s like you’re enjoying a delicious sundae and you then find a band-aid under a scoop of ice cream.
Cody: I was really happy to see Brad because that meant he was voted off. But I was not happy to share Cody Island with Brad Culpepper. And be careful what you wish for because he’s a tough challenge competitor. I was kind of hoping his wife would switch with him.
Holmes: That challenge looked really close.
Cody: So close. Brad actually called it and said he’d finished his puzzle twice when he hadn’t. And Jeff called it and said “Brad wins!” And then they realized that Brad’s puzzle was wrong. My mind was somewhere else at that point because I thought I was out. That threw me off. I also had a puzzle piece that was correct but I couldn’t get it to fit on the bridge. Being a three-time player, I was thinking of Jeff saying, “If it doesn’t fit, don’t force it because we’ve tried all of these pieces.” So, I took that piece back and looked for a different one. So, I lost a lot of time on that one.
Holmes: It was a little odd to hear Galang cheering for Brad.
Cody: There was so much emotion involved in it. I’m playing against my husband and against the guy I wanted to go home ten days ago. And the other players were cheering for Brad and giving him hints. It was intense.

Holmes: When we talked before the game, you were concerned that Rupert was there. You had some past history from “Heroes vs. Villains.” Was it nice to be the one to send him packing?
Cody: Yeah, that kind of felt good. (Laughs) Rupert and I had some bad blood based on “Heroes vs. Villains.” I tried to come into this with an open mind. We have this history, but we do know each other. Unfortunately neither one of us got to set foot on a tribe beach and get to figure it out. At Redemption Island he was all grumbly, and when he left the mood completely changed. Marissa was a breath of fresh air, she has so much energy. So, it was nice to be the one to send him home. I know I beat him in every challenge in “Heroes vs. Villains” so I knew I could take him.

Holmes: Let’s get into some word association. We’ll start with Monica.
Cody: Crocodile tears.
Holmes: Rachel?
Cody: Soft.
Holmes: Marissa?
Cody: Sassy.
Holmes: Brad?
Cody: The mouth of the south.
Holmes: (Laughs) Rupert?
Cody: A fussy pirate.
Holmes: Tyson?
Cody: Jokester.
Holmes: Let’s finish with that guy John.
Cody: Sweet angel.

Holmes: You were on the show twice before and I’m sure a lot of people recognize you. But now you get to watch your husband and he’s on TV and he’s doing something that has been such a big part of your life. How awesome is that?
Cody:  That is probably the best part of being a part of this season. Every day I’m proud of my husband…you know…I married him.
Holmes: Well, I’d hope so.
Cody: He’s just a class act and an awesome guy. It’s so great to get to watch him on TV and have other people see him as I see him.

Holmes: I hate to end this interview on a bad note…but John did beat you in back-to-back challenges.
Cody: Yeah, he’s going to pay for that. (Laughs)

Any Questions? Drop me a line on Twitter: @gordonholmes

‘Survivor: Blood vs. Water’ Recap – Cody to the Max?

October 16, 2013

'Survivor: Blood vs. Water' (CBS)

Quick Note: We’re going to be bringing you all kinds of “Survivor” fun this season including episode recaps, exit interviews, and Power Rankings with Malcolm Freberg. Be sure to follow me on Twitter (@gordonholmes) for up-to-the-minute news and info.

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Last Week: Candice flipped the bird, nobody talked to Kat, and Caleb threw Brad to the dogs.

39 Days (well…technically 39.5), 20 People, 1 “Survivor” Blog

Let’s take a look at the tribes as they currently stand…

The Galang Tribe (wearing yellow)
Aras – Musician, 31
Gervase – Cigar Lounge Owner, 43
Kat – Full-Time Student/Sales, 23
Laura B. – Merchandiser, 44
Laura M. – Co-Owner of Morett Construction, 43
Monica – Homemaker, 42
Tina – Motivational Speaker, 52
Tyson – Store Manager, 34

The Tadhana Tribe (wearing red)
Caleb – Post Office Manager/Farmer, 26
Ciera – Cosmetology Student, 24
Hayden – Real Estate, 26
Katie – Hedge Fund Support, 25
Vytas – Yoga Instructor, 33

Things kick off back at Tadhana where everyone is still shocked over Caleb’s swerve. Caleb admits that he didn’t go into Tribal expecting to send Brad packing, but the mood struck him. Hayden and Vytas aren’t thrilled with that turn of events because they don’t know if Caleb is with the girls now.

Next up, we see Brad making the trek to Redemption Island. Oh man…Brad interrupting the Codys is like your boss showing up on your honeymoon. This season is a hoot.

Brad apologizes to the Codys, but they’re already plotting his demise. Apparently Candice still holds a grudge because Monica voted her out on Day One. How can you really be mad about that random, based-on-nothing vote? Did they even know each other beforehand?

Over at Galang, we’re treated to Laura M. giving Aras a…uh…very loving massage.

Note: Laura M. wants everyone to know that this wasn’t as bad as it looked. She’s married, folks.

Aras isn’t swayed by the massage and the cuddling. His alliance is with Gervase, Tyson, Tina, and Monica. This puts the Lauras and Kat on the outside.

Laura B. feels like an outsider because all of the others have played before. It might also be because she cursed everyone out on Day One. That or she isn’t roaring enough.

We then take a trip to Redemption (not an) Island arena. Monica is not happy to see Brad. She offers to take his spot, but he won’t hear of it.

Redemption Island Duel (ahem…Truel) Time: Players will race to create a bridge out of planks. Once they’re across the bridge they’ll take apart the plank bridge and use those pieces to create a puzzle.

The challenge starts off and Brad falls behind quickly. Kat tries to offer him advice which may not have helped him out, but does prove that she’s still capable of speech.

John finishes the bridge first, with Brad right behind him. Candice eventually catches up and it’s pretty even as we head into the puzzle.

John finishes his puzzle first and it’s neck and neck between Brad and Candice until…Brad pulls out the win! Point Culpepper!

John gives the immunity idol clue to Monica, and she promptly sets it on fire. Gah…John should be using that clue to curry favor with someone…anyone…

Back at Galang, Tina is worried that Monica and Brad are too close. Well, they are married.

At Tadhana, the kids are giving us a tour of their many bug bites, scabs, and wounds. Meanwhile, I’m cursing the invention of HD.

GAH! A close-up of Katie’s falling-off toenails. Why?!

Later, Vytas says that Caleb will never be fully trusted again.  In Caleb’s defense, Vytas had to have heard Brad bringing up Caleb’s name.

Immunity Challenge Time: A player from each tribe will slide down a sooooper fun-looking ramp. At the bottom of the ramp, they’ll retrieve a hoop. The first person to throw his or her hoop onto a post will win a point for their team. First team to five wins immunity and their choice of fishing gear or a steak dinner.

Note: I’m sure production hopes that Tadhana finally wins one so they can stop lugging that fishing gear out there.

Monica and the Lauras will sit for Galang.

Round One: Caleb lands his first throw and beats Gervase.

Round Two: One-armed Tyson gets the best of Hayden.

Round Three: Katie beats someone named Kat.

Round Four: The brothers go at it again with Vytas gaining a measure of revenge. Surely noogies are next.

Round Five: Tina beats Ciera. Mothers are like Ciera’s kryptonite.

Round Six: Caleb defeats Tyson.

Round Seven: Hayden tops Gervase to win the challenge for Tadhana. The Ulonging is over!

And, in more evidence that steak is better than fish, Tadhana passes on the nets, traps, and hooks.

At Galang, Laura B. pretends to be excited for her first trip to Tribal but is really freaking out. She tries to get under Kat’s skin by telling her that the women who sat out of the challenge were mad at her for stepping up.

Tyson breaks everything down, saying that Kat thinks she’s in the alliance, Laura B. is annoying, and Laura M. doesn’t know what’s going on.

Aras tells Laura M. that Laura B. is the evening’s vote. But he later tells Tyson that sending Laura M. to Redemption might be smart because she could beat Brad.

That night at Tribal Council, Probst gives his fire=life speech waaaay later than usual.

Gervase thinks it’s crazy to be back at Tribal Council for the first time in 13 years.

Tina thinks she’s played more in the first five days of this season than she did in all of Australia.

Monica thinks the stakes are higher because she has to look out for Brad.

Aras says there may be space for Vytas in his alliance, but there may not be.

Gervase thinks it’s threatening that people are so close with their loved ones.

Probst asks Laura B. if she belongs out there. She thinks she’s a big part of the tribe.

Monica agrees with Laura B. since she was with them on Day One and she does a lot of work.

Laura B. thinks Galang was looking forward to playing with Rupert. I’m going to leave that one alone.

Voting Time: Laura M. votes for Laura B., Laura B. votes for Laura M., (ooo…symmetry) and the rest of the votes aren’t shown.

Probst tallies and returns. We’ve got one vote for Laura B., four votes for Laura M., and the seventh person to be sent to Redemption Island is…Laura M.

Wow…she is ticked off.

Verdict: None of these eliminations have been like anything we’ve seen on “Survivor” before. They sent a likable challenge competitor to Redemption Island so she could take out someone specific to make that person’s counterpart more loyal. So many angles. Good times.

Who’s Going to Win? I know I’ve had Vytas since the beginning but I’m worried that the brothers are going to be too big of a threat after the merge. For now though, I’m sticking.

Power Rankings Results: Malcolm had Laura M. in spot seven, I had her in spot eight. We both had the Codys winning at Redemption Island for a single point each. So, the score for this round is Team Malcolm 8, Team Gordon 9. The current total score is Team Malcolm 64, Team Gordon 64.

Any Questions? Drop me a line on Twitter: @gordonholmes

TNA’s Austin Aries on ‘Bound for Glory’ and Being a Vegan Pro Wrestler

October 16, 2013

Austin Aries (TNA)

A bad day at work for most people is getting in late, missing a deadline, or being yelled at by the boss.

For “The Greatest Man That Ever Lived” Austin Aries, a bad day at work means falling 20 feet to the floor from atop TNA’s Ultimate X structure.

I spoke with “A Double” in the days leading up to TNA’s “Bound for Glory” event and had a chance to ask him about the dangers of the Ultimate X match, his journey to the top of TNA, and life as a vegan pro wrestler…

Gordon Holmes: TNA’s “Bound for Glory” is coming up, it’s TNA’s signature event. Do you approach it any differently?
Austin Aries: It’s the biggest show of the year, but I approach it no differently. I try to steal the show every time. And I plan on doing it again.
Holmes: You’ll be participating in the thrilling Ultimate X match which is a bout that is exclusive to TNA. For those who are unfamiliar with TNA, could you break down the rules?
Aries: Basically there are four trusses that extend from the corner posts of the ring about 20 feet up in the air. Attached to those trusses are two ring ropes in the shape of an X. And attached to the middle of that X is the X Division championship. Whoever can scale up and hook the belt and have it in their hands is the winner.
Holmes: Twenty feet in the air? Not for me. That sounds dangerous.
Aries: It’s very dangerous. There are increased risks for serious injury when you have to scale ropes that high above the ring. One slip or one missed step and bad things can happen. But, that adds to the excitement and the unpredictability.
Holmes: I did some research on you on the Internet…and I know that anything you find on the Internet is true.
Aries: Of course.
Holmes: It said that you’re not a huge fan of matches that involve ladders or this Ultimate X set-up.
Aries: It’s not my forte. I consider myself to be a professional wrestler. I’m not really much of a stunt man. Some of these high-wire acts, climbing ladders, that takes me out of my comfort zone a little bit. But, I’ve been in an Ultimate X match before and I won it. So, I’m undefeated. And I don’t have a choice in the matter, so I’m going to put my best foot forward and hopefully make it two in a row.

Holmes: You’ll be competing against Manik, Chris Sabin, and Jeff Hardy. (NOTE: Samoa Joe was added to the match after this interview took place.) Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this Jeff Hardy’s first-ever Ultimate X match?
Aries: This will be his first. That’s correct. But anyone who’s followed his career knows he’s no stranger to the daredevil style of wrestling. He takes high risks. I think he’ll be right in his element, probably more so than I am.
Holmes: Now, I don’t want you to tip your hand too much here, but what advice would you give to him as a first timer?
Aries: Oh, take lots of huge risks. The bigger the risk, the higher the reward. And hopefully I can capitalize if one of them doesn’t pay off for him. (Laughs)
Holmes: I think you might have some kind of ulterior motive there…
Aries: (Laughs) Me? Never.

Holmes: The main event of “Bound for Glory” will feature Bully Ray defending the TNA championship against AJ Styles. What are your thoughts on that bout?
Aries: Well, it’d be a lot better if Austin Aries was in there somewhere.
Holmes: Of course.
Aries: But, that’s not the case. There’s a lot at stake in that match. You have Bully Ray who’s had his hands on that title for quite some time. And you’ve got AJ Styles who’s at odds with the ownership here. It should be an interesting clash with a lot at stake. It’s really a toss up.
Holmes: AJ is having his differences with TNA owner Dixie Carter. She’s had a bit of an attitude change lately.
Aries: I’m all for it, personally. If it’s going to usher in an era of people being honest and open and being their true selves. Then I’ll fit in quite well. Everyone who knows me knows I’m not afraid to speak my mind. I’d love the opportunity to stand in the ring with the new Dixie Carter and clear the air.

Holmes: TNA seems to be undergoing somewhat of a shift lately with some big names leaving the company and other rumored problems. As a performer is it hard to block that out?
Aries: A lot of reports about problems with the company are from journalists who are trying to get clicks on their website. It seems like there’s a certain core of pundits who like to take any news with TNA and make it negative. The fact is, the things going on in TNA, whether you’re talking about talents that are coming and going, that’s all part of a growing business.
Holmes: So everything is business as usual?
Aries: I think there’s almost a certain group of people who root for the company to go out of business just so they can say, “I told you so.” Unfortunately for those people, I think TNA is going to be here for a long time to come.

Holmes: In my notes here I wrote “Planning vs. Something Hot.” And by that I mean, a company knows well in advance what they want to build to. What they want to main event a big show like “Bound for Glory.” But, sometimes something catches fire that they don’t expect. I’m thinking specifically of last summer when you seemed to come out of nowhere and grab everyone’s attention.
Aries: Oh yeah.
Holmes: You were having phenomenal matches, the crowd was loving you. Now, my question is; where do you find the balance between building a story and seeing it through and catching lightning in a bottle when the opportunity arises?
Aries: I think if you catch something like that and something is organically happening like that and there’s an authenticity to it I think you have to run with it for as long as you can. I think I started to run a little bit and before I got going full steam things kind of came to a halt. You can’t foresee those kinds of things. If you have something unique like that you have to harness that and use it for all you can.
Holmes: Thursdays are a tough night to get me in front of a TV. But I was doing everything I could to catch Impact during that time. It’s a shame it ended the way it did.
Aries: You’re not the only one that feels that way. If you listened to the crowd reaction at “Bound for Glory,” a lot of people thought, “Well Jeff Hardy is the most popular guy in the company. There’s no way Austin is going to walk into Phoenix and have the same crowd response.” I strongly disagreed with those sentiments. The crowd was very pro-Austin Aries. I had overwhelming support. But people try to predict things that you can’t predict. I guess right now I’m on a mission to recapture that. And it’s on me to do that. I created it the first time. It was nothing that was given to me. It was something I earned with my work in the ring and my time in front of the camera. And you know what? Those are the things I can control.

Holmes: You’re a vegan?
Aries: Yes, I was a vegetarian since 2000 and went completely plant-based about two years ago.
Holmes: I’m always interested when someone makes that’s decision because there is such a wide variety of reasons why people decide to go that way. What inspired you?
Aries: Health reasons. I started to learn more about the food I eat and where it was coming from. I think at its core, eating living creatures isn’t very appetizing to me. I ask people, “Do you crave dogs or cats?” They’ll say, “That’s disgusting.” OK, then how are pigs and cows different? And as I started to learn more about the corporate industry that we’re surrounded by I became very passionate about speaking out about the kind of food that we’re being peddled. I think we’ve been very misled in this country. We haven’t been given the right information when it comes to the food we’re being told to put into our body.
Holmes: Pro wrestling is a very visual industry.
Aries: Sure.
Holmes: It helps to have a muscular physique. Do you have trouble maintaining your mass?
Aries: Nope. There are proteins in all kinds of foods. And actually plants, if you look percentage wise, are some of the highest protein foods. The idea that we need huge quantities of animal protein is something that was taught to us by the USDA and the FDA. And they’re the entities that sell us that and profit off of it.
Holmes: Now Mr. Aries, I don’t want to call you a hypocrite, but you just gave advice to Jeff Hardy that would actually be bad for him. Do you have a smidge in common with the FDA?
Aries: (Laughs) I suppose. But I’m not playing with people’s lives here.

Holmes: Alright, let’s talk to the people who’ve never seen TNA before. Let’s talk to people who might be on the fence. Why is “Bound for Glory” going to be worth their time?
Aries: We’re trying to bring pro wrestling back. We’re putting an emphasis on what happens in the ring while also having compelling characters and stories. “Bound for Glory” is our biggest show of the year. That’s where we’re going to pull out all the stops. If you haven’t given “Impact Wrestling” a try, I think as a wrestling fan it’s an absolute must. Give us a shot and you’ll see we have the most talented performers in the whole world.
Holmes: And we’re going to see a new X Division champion?
Aries: That the plan. I never go into a match expecting to lose.

Don’t miss TNA – ‘Bound for Glory’ this Sunday, October 20, 2013 at 8 pm ET on Pay Per View.

Watch Full Episodes of ‘Impact Wrestling’ Online

Any Questions? Drop me a line on Twitter: @gordonholmes

‘Survivor: Blood vs. Water’ Power Rankings – Animation Edition

October 15, 2013

'Survivor: Blood vs. Water' (CBS)/'The Simpsons' (Fox)

Quick Note: We’re going to be bringing you all kinds of “Survivor” fun this season including episode recaps, exit interviews, and Power Rankings with Malcolm Freberg. Be sure to follow me on Twitter (@gordonholmes) for up-to-the-minute news and info.

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The Rules: Each week our two combatants will create separate power rankings. The ranking of the person who is voted out of the next episode will determine the number of points the two players will earn. For example, if Tyson is voted out this week, Malcolm will receive 1 point and Gordon will receive 5 points. Also, each player will pick the players they think will win at Redemption Island. They’ll receive a bonus point for each correct pick. At the end of the season, the person with the most points will be named the “Survivor: Blood vs. Water” Power Rankings Challenge Champion.

NOTE: If a current player decides to swap places with their loved one at Redemption Island, they’ll also swap places in the rankings. For example, if Monica swaps places with Brad, Brad will take the 10th spot in both Malcolm’s and Gordon’s rankings.

Last Week: Malcolm had Brad in spot 13, Gordon had him in 12. Malcolm had both of the Codys surviving at Redemption, Gordon only had Candice. So, the score for this round is Team Malcolm 15, Team Gordon 13. The current total score is Team Malcolm 56, Team Gordon 55.

Wager Update: Since Gordon lost last week’s competition, he has to compare each ranked competitor to an animated character. The loser of this week’s rankings will have to compare the competitors to Keanu Reeves movie roles.

Malcolm’s Current Score: 56

Any advice for Malcolm? Drop him a line on Twitter: @MalcolmWHW

Gordon’s Current Score: 55

Any advice for Gordon? Drop him a line on Twitter: @gordonholmes

 1. Tyson – I’m bored leaving people in the same top spots all the time, so I’m semi-arbitrarily shuffling my list. Tyson is my favorite so this was overdue, but I’ve been waiting for some legitimate hi-jinx to affirm my affection, and finally we got some. If Galang refuses to talk strategy, they deserve to be coconut water deprived, and dammit, the Coconut Bandits are going to do it. The fact that they bonded over this and formed a tight two is a good thing too I suppose, but significantly less important than the inherent hilarity.
 1. Tina is Velma from “Scooby Doo” – She’s smart, she’s respected, and she’s not a physical threat. In her alliance of five we’ve got Fred’s leadership putting a target on his back, Daphne’s loud husband putting a target on her back, and Scooby and Shaggy sneaking off to steal Scooby Snacks. Meanwhile, Velma just kicks back and enjoys her position as the least meddling kid.
 2. Gervase – I’m coming to terms with the idea that my opinion on Gervase will change on a weekly basis, and this week I love him. No obnoxious yelling at the challenges? Check. Being a member of my new favorite absurd alliance? Check. Saying to Monica what all of Galang was thinking about her husband? Check. Also, am I the only one who heard ‘koo-doos’?
 2. Hayden is Launchpad McQuack from “DuckTales” – He’s big, he’s likable, and his tribe manages to crash every challenge during the landing. Not only that, but apparently he was loyal enough to Brad to risk pulling rocks in a tie breaker. This game is like a hurricane.
 3. Vytas – We didn’t get shown if there was any communication between Hayden and Vytas before the re-vote, but considering Hayden’s struggle I’m guessing there wasn’t? So Vytas single handedly and independently kept the tribe from going to rocks? So Vytas is the new Cochran? …no, that’s not fair. Vytas made a good call to preserve his game and didn’t hurt his position. And he doesn’t wear glasses. And he’s not ginger. And he’s done a push-up before.  3. Vytas is Bugs Bunny – He’s probably the smartest guy out there, everybody seems to like him, but he has a bit of a dark side. Vytas probably didn’t love having to send the game’s big shield packing, but that’s much better than being sent to Redemption Island because you grabbed the wrong rock. Now we can watch him strike out the rest of the cast like they’re the Gas House Gorillas.

 4. Tina – Didn’t participate in the challenge, didn’t comment on Brad, didn’t talk about mysteriously drained coconuts. But quiet is good for Tina’s game at this stage and drama is bad, so while her family members watching at home are disappointed, they shouldn’t be – their girl’s in good shape.
 4. Gervase is Tramp from “Lady and the Tramp” – “You can never tell when he’ll show up, he gives you plenty of trouble. I guess he’s just a no-count pup…but I wish that he were double.” Gervase’s list of “Survivor” offenses is long; he has insulted women, he took a breather during a challenge, he talked trash after a challenge, he snuck out to drink coconuts. But, nobody cares. Everybody loves Gervase.

  5. Hayden – Has anyone ever crossed out a name indecisively at Tribal before this? Watching his wheels spin at the vote could be read as the goofy guy that can’t figure out what’s going on, but he’s already proven via confessional he understands the game, so I’m interpreting it as him weighing all the implications of a re-vote switch. He ended up on the wrong side of it, but it’s an easy enough mistake to explain away and shouldn’t hurt him.
 5. Tyson is Stewie Griffin from “Family Guy” – What the deuce? Mr Apostol says the most hilarious, inappropriate things, but the only people who can hear him are a cartoon dog and a television audience. Fortunately for Tyson, I haven’t seen a cartoon dog wandering around Galang beach.
 6. Aras – Not a Coconut Bandit and thus not my favorite anymore. This blatant offense against communist Galang would not be digested well by their noble leader Aras, who probably won ‘Best Sharer’ in kindergarten. Seriously though, the other two guys bonding without him is a red flag he’s unaware of, and the Baskasfkawkeaksdkas brothers are going to stand out as the biggest combined threat soon. I’m sticking with my preseason prediction that this perception hurts Aras more than Vytas.
 6. Katie is Rapunzel from “Tangled” – At every turn Rapunzel gets shut down by her more experienced mother. But, she seems likable enough and knows how to cook.
 7. Laura M. – Listen lady — I’ve been in your corner since pre-season, but you’ve got to stop getting teary eyed whenever you wipe the floor with Ciera (says the guy with no kids and whose Mom let him win things occasionally). Completely unacceptable. I hate when Gervase brags, but I’d love to see you spike a puzzle piece in celebration.
  7. Aras is Ned Flanders from “The Simpsons” – Well, hey-diddly-ho there, tribemate-areeno… Who loves Aras? Everybody! What’s not to love? He’s a great guy, he’s a hard worker, he’s ridiculously positive. Who wants to go to the end with him? Nobody! And now that Tyson and Gervase realize this, it could be bad news for the former champ.
 8. Laura B. – Attention Future Survivors: WEAR TIE DYE. You will look silly and I will mock you for it, but I’m now convinced it gives you +10 challenge prowess. Lady Boneham is proving to be capable in the water, but is unforgivably lacking in crab dietary knowledge.
 8. Laura M. is Popeye from…uh…”Popeye” – Laura M. is basically the iconic sailor man, except instead of getting her power from spinach, Laura gets her power from crushing her daughter’s hopes and dreams. (Note: I went with Popeye because I have no idea how good Jessica Rabbit is at puzzles.)
 9. Caleb – I never thought I’d be jealous of Colton Cumbie. Just last week I wrote things about Caleb ‘quietly maneuvering’ and not being a force — what a chuckle Tadhana must have been having at my expense. On principle, I love his taking control and fighting instead of just accepting the results of whatever Brad decided. I love the insight that Brad’s poor leadership, even considering his muscle, could possibly be the reason they were losing. I love that he did it loud and proud and last minute at Tribal, and now John has competition for my heart. The problem is now he’s the figurehead leader on a really bad tribe, and that’s not a great spot. Just ask Brad.
9. Laura B. is Invisible Smurf from “The Smurfs” – Remember the one Smurf that was all important in the beginning, but then Gargamel made him invisible and it’s like he never existed? Except occasionally you’d see him during Smurfberry reward challenges? That’s Laura.
 10. Monica – So everyone everywhere on Earth thinks throwing the clue away was brilliant because she kept a target off herself. And, as much as I was yelling at the TV when it happened, it probably was the right move for Monica. But because we’re likely to see that exact situation again, and because I’m kind of weird in that I like having idols in my pocket, I argue that some other castaways should keep a clue if it’s given to them. This was the right move for Monica because she’s not a power player – her best bet to win is to not take over the game but to fade into the background and slip to the end. That is not, however, a winning strategy for everyone. People who are viewed as threats and/or driving forces in the game, currently people like Caleb or Vytas or Aras, could use an idol to great effect. John’s epic mishandling of the situation shouldn’t scare everyone else off. Because of the public nature of the clues it has to be handled carefully and creatively, but the idol is still a massive advantage and weapon if used properly. So good move Monica, but it shouldn’t necessarily be mimicked every week.
  10. Monica is LeFou from “Beauty and the Beast” – If Brad is this season’s big, burly, not-quite-aware-of-what-people-really-think-of-him Gaston, then surely Monica is his sidekick LeFou. I liked the move to burn the clue. If John wasn’t able to find the idol with two clues, I’d assume it’d be tough to find it with just one. So, she was figuratively burning a target that the Codys were trying to place on her back. From this week’s preview it looks like Monica offers to take Brad’s place at Redemption Island. But I can’t imagine he’ll let her. “No one takes Tribal Council abuse like Gaston…”
 11. Katie – She makes funny faces at tribal and she’s not as terrible as Ciera. So yeah.   11. Caleb is Pinky from “Pinky and the Brain” – A mismatched duo where the smart one always gets it wrong and the supposedly simple one gets it right? Works for me. Now here’s hoping Calebs last-minute move doesn’t make him to risky to keep around.
 12. Kat – I’m really thrown by who gets told to sit out for Galang. I understand the logic behind not letting Kat do a puzzle, but why not rowing? For whatever reason, she’s on the bottom of a tribe that never has to go to Tribal, but once they do she’s going camping with the Codys.
  12. Kat is Ariel from “The Little Mermaid” – The question is; who’s the Ursula who stole her voice?
 13. Ciera –  No one is more thrilled than I that you got bailed out bigger than Wall Street last week, but it still may be a temporary stay of execution. Your tribe hasn’t won a thing, and all the boys seem to get along and think you’re about as useful as a doodie-flavored lollipop. As much as I don’t want you this low, you have to be until there’s some sort of switch/merge.   13. Ciera is the Baby from the “Tom and Jerry” episode “Tot Watchers” – I know this one is obscure, but stay with me. Remember the one where Tom and Jerry have to watch after a baby and it gets away and crawls into a construction site? There are a dozen times where the baby should be a goner, but blind luck keeps saving it. Now, is the Five Guys breakup the steel beam Ciera needs to keep crawling, or has her luck finally run out?
 Redemption Island Picks: Candice and John – Brad’s ego isn’t going to let his wife sub in, which actually increases the odds of him surviving his first truel. But I, along with the rest of the civilized world, am rooting for the Codys so hard my heart hurts. Also, can we discuss “Survivor” potentially giving us a “Hunger Games,” Peeta and Katniss scenario? What if they’re both at the last RI before re-entering the game and it could be the greatest “Survivor” love story ever? Do the Codys get a shot at double Redemption?   Redemption Island Picks: Candice and John are The Wonder Twins from “Super Friends” – They don’t quite fit in with everyone else, but you’d better watch out when they’re together. The only difference is instead of animals or water-based items, these two transform into challenge juggernauts. Bad news for Mr. Culpepper.

Watch Full Episodes of “Survivor: Blood vs. Water