Posts Tagged ‘my mom’

Is Best Buy Ripping Us Off?

October 24, 2010

Buckle your seatbelts, folks. Time to blow the lid off of what must be a far-reaching conspiracy.

Earlier today, I swung by my local Best Buy to buy my mother’s birthday gift. (A DVD/VCR combo…yes, she still uses VHS tapes.) I also purchased myself the WWE’s new “Wrestling’s Highest Flyers” DVD. (Yes, I still watch wrestling.)

When I got home and unpacked these goodies, I noted that not only was the receipt’s printing barely legible, but it was also horribly smudged. Is this some kind of ploy from the Best Buy people to prevent returns? Shady…

Has anyone else noticed this?

UPDATE: It’s been suggested by a few people that it could be a crappy printer. That’s possible (read: probable) but isn’t nearly as much fun.